Chapter 6

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* As the Michael's and the kids get themselves cleaned up, History comes down to the kitchen to find Krystal who has already took a shower and is searching for pots.*

History: Krystal?

Krystal: History! You're fast.

History: Not as fast as you though. *giggles* What you making?

Krystal: Spaghetti.

History: *Mumbles* Nasty spaghetti.

Krystal: Mike....

History: Sorry. But I've never tried your cooking.

Krystal: I actually do as time goes on. This Is It and Invincible love eating spaghetti.

History: I'll help you.

*History and Krystal start cooking and finish by the time the kids and the Michaels come down.*

Thriller: Spaghetti? I-I don't know....

Invincible: Guys, we know that you don't exactly like spaghetti but you'll love the one Krystal makes. Starting from my era, you love it since I  tried it for the first time in this era.

Dangerous: Fine. *tries some spaghetti as does everyone.*

Bad: MMM!!! This is actually really delicious.

Paris: See. Daddy, aunt Krys always knows what you like.

Thriller: I have a question.... I don't know if I should ask though...

Blanket: Dad, you can always ask a question. Thats what you told us.

Thriller: Ok. How is the friendship between us and Krystal? As in what happens...

Prince: Dads, I think you should answer by era. To make things easier.

Bad: OK. I'll start. Of course Krys was there when you succeeded with your Thriller album. She even stuck by my side when the vitiligo became worse. She helped me get used to it and she wasn't afraid of it. I thought she would be disgusted like a few others but she wasn't. She was there by my side.

Dangerous: And that continued through the Dangerous era. She stood by my side when the Dangerous album came out. Even though there were a few things that I asked her to do in the album were very weird, she still agreed. Even when the first allegations c-came up. She kept me strong. Even through my marriage to Lisa after that.

History: That brings to me. After the marriage, she helped me with the album in some songs and also helped me through the divorce of me and Lisa. And she also made sure I was sure on my decisions. She stayed by my side when I married Debbie and had my kids. She helped me get used to parenthood. Even though Debbie didn't like her as much after Blanket.

Invincible: But that didn't stop her, she helped me with the blood on the dance floor album and the Invincible album. She surprised me by coming to my fan sign event to support. But after that things got rough. Because we fought. Of course through the years we had our fights but this was what broke us. I was dumb, I betrayed her trust in me.

This Is It: Which brings us to my era. The fight broke our friendship, our trust. It was then I had the second allegations. The second allegations took a massive toll on me but in my despair, Krystal who was seriously hurt physically and emotionally came and stood up for me after years of no connection. She saved me. We made up and fixed our bond which made us closer than we ever was. Then it came to the tour. Krystal supported me no matter what and always gave me advice. But me being stubborn didn't listen and I went behind her back. That was what took my life.

Paris: But even after that, she still stayed true to the friendship and took care of us and dad's name. Even though she knew that dad would be mad she still took the risk. She still wanted to protect dad's name. So she did.

Krystal: The risk was worth it. I promised years ago that i'll do anything to protect you and i'm not letting go of that promise anytime soon. Now lets go watch a movie.

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