Chapter 8 Accident

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Episode 2: The Avatar Returns 
Season 1

Chapter 8 Accident

Third person POV. 

When Luna got to Aang and Katara she landed softly onto the soft white snow in front of them, "What! Happened!?" She yelled out. She was now walking backwards staring at the two of them worried, furious and scared. She didn't know what had happened with them and she didn't like that.

"What were you two doing when that... flare went off!?" She asks Aang. "Please tell me you are ok?" She begs out as she grasps a hold of his face to see if there was any damage to him.

Aang swats her hand away from him, "I'm fine Luna, Katara and I are fine" he said with a big smile on his face.

Luna's ears picked up the pitter patter of the young children of the village rushing over to them with their small adorable giggles, she swiftly turned her body around to face the children, "Yay! Aang's back!" They yell out happily as they rush over to Aang with their small arms wide open to him. 

Luna's eyes scanned the older villagers for their expression and got them quite fast, they weren't happy with the two. Her eyes landed on movement, Sokka who rushed through the small group of villagers, "I knew it! You signaled the Fire Navy with the flare! You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?" he accused out. 

"Hey Sokka, calm down! Aangs not with the Fire Navy" Luna fired back in defense, she turned to Aang and Katara and softened her expression, "what happened out there?" She asks them. 

Katara takes a step out towards them, "Aang didn't do anything wrong, it was an accident" Katara said defending her new friend against her brother and Luna.

"See!" Luna fired at Sokka.

"Yeah, we were on the ship and there was this Booby trap and, well, we... we boobied right into it" Aang said. 

Luna stopped and her eyes snapped wider, she snapped her eyes away from Sokka to Aang with shock and anger in her eyes, "Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship. Now, we could all be in danger!" 

"Aang what did you miss when I said to not do somthing stupid!?" She snapped at him. "I told you not to do something stupid!" She adds on. 

"Please don't blame Katara" 

"I'm not going to blame her, I know you probably told her take a chance on doing SOMETHING STUPID" she said point to Katara. "It's my fault," Aang said. 

Luna slaps her hand onto her forehead and throws her head back, "Aang!!" she groans out loudly. 

"Aha! The traitor confesses! Warriors, away from the enemy's. The foreigner is banished from our village" Sokka yelled out. 

"Hey! Aang's no traitor!" She snaps at him. "Hey if Aangs a traitor, it makes you a traitor too" he snapped back to her. His eyes harden at her. 

Luna hisses at him and steps towards him, "I'm no traitor!" She snaps at him.

Sokka was taken back by her hissing at him and stepped back fast, his eyes softened on her, but that didn't stop him. 

"Sokka! You're making a mistake" Katara said, trying to defend the two airbenders. 

"No, I'm keeping my promise to Dad. I'm protecting you from threats like them" Sokka said, pointing to himself and then to the two airbenders.

Luna felt sadness rush through her as he said those words to her, she didn't like the way he looked at her, "I'm not a threat to you" she mumbles out. She looks away from him to the ground. 

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