Chapter 4 Wet

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Episode 1: The boy in the iceberg 
Season 1

Chapter 4 Wet

Third person POV. 

Katara smiles big at the two airbenders, "we'd love a ride! Thanks!" She said, rushing around to the side of Appa. Aang went and helped Katara up.

Luna smiles, she knew getting Sokka on Appa would be a struggle so she got up, jumped and landed in front of him, "Oh, no, I am not getting on that fluffy snot monster" he said. 

Luna giggles, "What? Are you hoping some other monster will come along and let you ride them home?" She asks him. She crosses her arms over her chest and shuffles on her feet. 

Sokka gives her a small glare, "yeah, you know, before you freeze to death?" Katara added on towards her brother. 

Katara wanted so badly to ride Appa and she couldn't do that without her brother there with her.

Luna knew he was defeated with both of their comments towards him, the big sigh that came out of Sokka’s mouth and the way he slouched made her right, "ok then, let's go. I'm tired and cold too" she said, sticking her hand out towards him. 

Sokka looked at her hand and then passed him to Appa one more time before groaning again and taking her hand into his. Luna smiles and lightly squeezes his hand before pulling him over towards Appa. Sokka checks where once again red. 

Small time skip. 

Luna laughs at how Sokka looked. His arms crossed over his chest with a frown on his face as he looked out into the open ocean, Luna thought it was very adorable but also very, very laughable. Both siblings were so different and both different in different ways. Katara was a bit more free spirited and caring, her smile would light up anyone's heart and how excited she looked on Appa was very adorable to her. Sokka on the other hand was strict and sarcastic, he wasn’t a big fan of change that much, he was a free spirit but he was protective over his younger sister making him go a bit overboard with safety and some rules… his rules. But he was… also… Sokka, Sokka was just… Sokka. 

After Luna helped Sokka up she went and sat slightly behind Aang and held onto Appa "Okay, first-time flyers, hold on tight! Appa, yip, yip!" Aang said, lightly whipping the straps.

Luna was excited to be up in the sky again. She already missed the feeling of air flowing through her hair.  

Appa made this huffing sound and flapped his big tail up and down before pushing off the ground. Luna was quickly distracted with her thoughts, she wasn't really paying attention to what Appa was doing so she wasn't ready for Appa to jump up and then land into the cold water. 

“Hmmft…” Luna eyes moved from the sky to see what had happened, 

"Come on, Appa! Yip, yip!" Aang said again. "You got this Appa, show Sokka that he's wrong," Luna said, patting his head. 

Her eyes were casted back up into the sky with a smile on her face. No one could tell she was smiling because of her mask... well except Aang, he could tell by her eyes and how the mask moved slightly up that she was smiling and he knew why. She always loved the sky, to just be free and be in the open skies were relaxing and calming and Aang knew she needed that. 

"Wow! That was truly amazing" Sokka sarcastically said.  

Luna rolls her eyes and turns to look at him, "Appa's just tired. Some rest and he’ll be soaring through the sky" she said. "You'll see," Aang adds. 

Luna looked away from Sokka to look ahead of her. For a few seconds her eyes stayed locked with the skies but soon she noticed in the corner of her eye she saw Aang still looking towards Katara, she giggled quietly to herself, she didn't want to embarrass her little brother so she kept her head straight and said nothing about it. Katara was soon to respond to him and Luna was right.  

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