Chapter 2 Waking Up

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Episode 1: The boy in the iceberg
Season 1

Chapter 2 Waking Up

Third person POV.

The bright blue beam; beamed into the sky fast, loud and very, very bright. It was close to blinding if anyone looked at it for too long. It would have shocked most of who had seen it, but it wasn't that shocking for some though. Some knew what it meant, most didn't though. The beam of light was enough to be seen from far away, anyone could see it if they looked for it.

Zuko, the banished prince, stared into the sky feeling excitement and joy fill his whole body. To him, the light was a sign, the sign that the missing avatar could be close by. He needs the Avatar to be able to come back home and this sign was so promising for him. But, there was this new feeling that came over him when the light of beam shot in the sky. This whole new sensation that came over his body; it scared him, but also gave him… he didn't know what it gave him, but there was another sensation moving all over him.

"Finally!” Zuko turned his body to the side and looked to another person in uniform on the ground, "Uncle, do you realize what this means?" He asks his uncle in a sharp tone.

"I wont get to finish my game?" The old general said calmly. He looked up from his game to his nephew. Instantly when general Iroh's eyes landed on his dear nephew, he saw the way he stood; it was different then how he usually stands, he could also see that something in his nephew’s mind was happening, his mind was having a war between three things at once. Iroh’s eyes trail down to his nephew’s body to his wrists, he raises his eyebrow as he sees Zuko squeezing his left wrist tightly, more tight then he usually does, though at the moment he really doesn't think anything of it.

"It means my search... it's about to come to an end" Zuko said. His eyes weren't on his uncle anymore but to the beaming light in the sky again. His hand was still holding onto his left wrist tightly.

Iroh sighs and looks back down to his game knowing very well he wasn’t going to be able to finish it. He wished his nephew wasn’t still looking for the Avatar. He wanted him to start a new life, maybe find a girl and settle down and be happy for once, but he was too stuck on his honor.

"That light came from an incredibly powerful source" Zuko said pointing behind him as he stared at his uncle once again, "it has to be him" he adds on.

"Or it's just the celestial lights" Iroh said pointing around him, "We've been down this road before, Prince Zuko. I don't want you to get too excited, over nothing" he said, placing another plank down to his game.

The old general Iroh looked back from his game to his nephew with a soft smile on his face, he brought his hands up and gestured to the game on his small table, "Please, sit. Why don't you enjoy a cup of calming jasmine tea?" He asks his angry nephew.

Iroh was tired, tired seeing his nephew fail again and again to bring the Avatar back to the firelord, to bring back his honor. Everything in Zuko's mind was to get the Avatar and bring him back to the firelord... but Iroh knew there was another thing on his nephew's mind, something that had consumed his nephew's mind almost more than finding the Avatar and bringing honor back to his name, but he pushed it away. 

"I don't need any calming tea! I need to capture the Avatar!" Zuko yelled out. "Headsman, head a course for the light!" He adds on.

Iroh didn't take it to heart, he understood his nephew, but at times he wished he would just stop and understand that he didn't need to do this.

Third person POV.

Aang slowly opened his eyes after a hundred years and looked up to someone who he had never met before. "I need to ask you something," Aang quietly said without any hesitation and worry in the world.

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