Chapter 10 Appa

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Episode 2: The Avatar Returns 
Season 1 

Chapter 10 Appa

Third person POV. 

"Luna! Appa!" Katara yelled out. 

"You just love taking me out of my comfort zone, don't ya?" Sokka asks his sister, he was not impressed with this plan. 

Luna's eyes landed on the two siblings and their grandmother. Her heart hurt even more when she didn't see Aang with them. Her heart was beating so fast that when she jumped and landed in front of Sokka, her words came out soft and out of breath sounding, "Sokka where's Aang!?" 

Sokka quickly tensed up and looked away from her. He couldn't look her in the eyes, he just couldn't, "Sokka, where's Aang!?" She repeated again and this time more deeper and darker than last time. 

If her mask was off, Sokka would have seen her sharp cat-like teeth accidentally bite into her soft reddish lip causing blood to appear and drip down her lip. "I'm sorry Luna," he said softly. He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly and scares, he keeps his eyes off her. 

She growls and walks to him and grabs his hood and pulls him to look at her, "What are you sorry about?" She snaps out. 

Katara came over to help her brother, "I'm sorry--" 

"Why do you two keep on saying you're sorry. Don't be sorry just tell me where Aang is?" She snaps out.

"The fire navy has him!" Sokka bluntly yells out. "Where are they taking him?" She asks him. "Dear, please let go of my grandson?" gran asks her kindly.

The old lady understood why she was acting this way, but still. 

"Sorry" she mumbles out and quickly let's go of Sokka and steps away from him. "Please take me to him?" She asks them. "Yes then let's go" Katara yelled out. She was already on Appa ready to go. 

Third person POV.

"This staff will make an excellent gift for my father. I suppose you wouldn’t know of father's, being raised by monks," Zuko said. "Take the Avatar to the prison hold, and take this to my quarters," he adds on to the guards and then to his uncle. 

Iroh took Aang's glider staff into one hand and Zuko walked away from them. Iroh watches Zuko for a second before turning to the guard beside him, "hey, you mind taking this to his quarters for me?" Iroh asks him and then wakes away after the guard grabs a hold of it. 

Aang gets pushed away to get the cell, Aang watches Zuko leave and the guards take him down the stairs. He looks around himself, "so, I guess you've never fought an airbender before. I bet I can take you both with my hands tied behind my back" Aang brags to them. 


They stop and Aang looks ahead of him before he gets the great idea, he starts to look like he was going to sneeze and he does in a way. Both guards go flying back and knock them down. 

Aang jumped up the stairs onto the main deck, he jumped and kicked and blew the metal to get it open before rushing in, he ran down the metal hallway breathing heavily. 

Third person POV. 

Luna sat anxiously. She was turned away from the two siblings as she didnt want them to see her scar as she was biting her nails raw. She was stressing out so bad that it had caused her to bite them so bad that they started to bleed. She couldn't even think straight, she tried to but everything went back to Aang.

The only thing she could think about was Aang. Was he ok? Is he already free? Is he cold? And so on. Too many thoughts crashed through her head making her crazy. 

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