Chapter 6 Breathe

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Episode 1: The boy in the iceberg 
Season 1

Chapter 6 Breathe

Third person POV. 

Luna’s smile grew even bigger as she felt the connection with her soulmate connect together. It wasn't the full soulbonds connection but it was still a connection and that's even better than anything in the world right now. She has been waiting for so long to feel this nice, warm sensation to come over her body. The feeling of the mentality connection between each other connecting is a feeling she is always going to remember. 

She was happy and she didn't know that her soulmate could feel her happiness and joy, but they did. She just couldn't believe it, she had just taken the first step of connecting her soulbonds with her soulmate and they accepted. 

With that being dealt with she couldn't fight to stay awake any longer. She was too tired to keep them open any longer and before she knew it she was drifting off to sleep. 

Time skip
Still third person POV. 

Luna stirred in her sleep. She was having a bad dream, this dream was really since it was what had happened to Aang and her a day or so ago. They had left the air temple and when they were soaring in the sky they were caught in a bad storm that caused all three of them to crash into the icy cold water. The crash itself caused the air in her lungs to escape her. 

Luna held the small amount of air that she had gotten every time she stuck her head up to the surface, but it was never enough and since she wasn’t the strongest swimmer she could stay up there any longer and slowly sink down into the fast dark obse. She didn't remember anything after that, she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer and they slowly closed to black. 

Luna's eyes snapped open and she gaspes up and looked around herself. She was having a hard time breathing, her hand held her chest as she tried to get air in her lungs but she just couldn’t. Her eyes could see that she wasn't in water anymore but the dream had messed with her. 
"Whow... you ok?" Sokka asks. He was walking past her tent when he heard the commotion, the loud gasp of air and then the other gasps of air after it. Sokka heard her needing help so he went in without thinking it and kneed beside her. 

Sokka placed a soft hand on her bare arm and she quickly looked at him with fear written in her eyes and face, her hands were gripping her neck, her nails digging into her soft skin. Sokka could see some blood drip down, he grabbed her hands from her neck, “Hey, hey whow. What's wrong Luna?” he asked her. 

“Can’t breathe” she choked out. She tried to free her hands from Sokka's grip but he wasn't having that, he saw the damage her nails already did to her neck and didn't want to see even more damage. She whimpered out, she moved her body to him and dug her face into his neck. Sokka was shocked but he let her hands free and wrapped his arms around her. 

“Ok you're going to follow my breathing patterns. Follow my breathing, in” he said, he inhales air, “And then out”  and then exhales it out of him. 

Luna dug her face even more into his neck but did her best to follow him. It took a few tries to even get air in her burning lungs but she finally did and Sokka could feel that too. She felt her chest actually move more outwards. Her arms were wrapped around his body tightly as he calmed her down, one hand was wrapped around her waist as the other rubbed the back of her head. 

A few minutes passed and Luna was finally calmed down enough to where she pulled away from him, Sokka was smiling at her as her face was red in embarrassment, “So… how do you feel now?” he asked her.

His awkward looking smile vanished so fast as he saw her. Luna only had on a thin strapped tank top and her painties and the blankets were now only covering half her thigh. Luna's face went even redder and she grabbed the blanket and covered her whole body up. 

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