Chapter 13 Reasons

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Episode 3: The Southern Air Temple 
Season 1

Chapter 13 Reasons

Third person pov. 
Still with Zuko and Zhao but slightly time skip. 

Zhao walks towards Zuko with his arms behind his back, "Prince Zuko, the Avatar is the only one who can stop the Fire Nation from winning this war. If you have an ounce of loyalty left, you'll tell me what you've found." Zhao said getting closer to the prince. He was trying to get the answers out of the banished prince. 

He wanted answers from the prince, but he wasn’t going to get anything out of Zuko. Zuko wasn't going to tell him anything, he wasn't going to tell Zhao that the Avatar was alive and is actually a young boy. There were multiple reasons why he didn't say anything about the Avatar being alive. One being that ‘He’ was the one to capture the Avatar and take him back to his father, so he could get his honor back and two he didn't want Zhao to get a hold of her... his soulmate. 

His soulmate is traveling with the Avatar, if they get him they have her too. He didn't want him to get a hold of her and take her back to his father. His father never wanted Zuko to be with anyone that his father didn’t pick for him. He for sure knows his father wouldn't let him be with her. His father wouldn't pick her.

Zuko wasn't fazed with Zhao’s words and spoke morbidly back to him, "I haven't found anything," he said turning his head slightly to look at Zhao, "It's like you said, the Avatar probably died a long time ago" his voice never once changing tone. 

Zuko pushes up from the chair he has been sitting in, "Come on, Uncle, we're going" he said. 

He started to walk to the entrance of the tent to leave but he was stopped by the two guards. They weren't letting him pass. They were ordered not to let the banished prince leave without orders from their commander. 

Another guard came into the tent and straight to his commander, "Commander Zhao, we interrogated the crew as you instructed" he said, stopping when he was a few feet away. 

Zhao stayed turned from everyone in the tent, "They confirmed Prince Zuko had the Avatar in custody but let him escape," the guard said. 

"Now remind me," Zhao turns around and puts his attention to Zuko and walks towards him, "how exactly was your ship damaged?"

Third person pov. 
Back to Luna 

Luna walks in front of Sokka and Katara. She wasn't in the mood to run ahead so she stayed at her own pace that ended up in front of the siblings. She was happy to be home. She missed looking at something... familiar… but she was also very scared of what came of this place. It has been a hundred years since she's been here, everything around her already looks different.. It looks cold and un-alive and not warm and alive like she left it. To her it was a bit too quiet for her liking. 

"So, where do I get something to eat?" Sokka asks, holding his stomach. He was starving still and it was annoying him.  

Luna laughs and turns around as she walks backwards, "you're lucky enough to be one of the first outsiders to ever visit an Airbender temple, and all you can think about is food?" Katara asks. 

Sokka rolls his eyes, "I'm just a simple guy with simple needs" he replied back as raising his arms up.

Luna giggles at that, "quite simple” she smirks to him and he rolls his eyes at her, but smirks back at her, “but Katara is right actually you'll be the first... welcomed outsiders to step foot here" she said placing her hands behind her back right after what she said to him; she turns around and rushes to stand beside Aang. 

"So that's where my friends and I would play airball. Luna was the greatest at airball, if you were able to get her to play with you, but she would rather sleep over where the bison would sleep and that's over there...." Aang said moving to the right and sighs. 

Luna looks around the dead area around them. She remembered it being more lively then... this. It was so dark now. 

"What's wrong?" 

"This place used to be full of monks and lemurs and bison" Aang started with. Luna grabs a hold of Aang’s hand as she finishes off for him, "Now there's just a bunch of weeds and un-alive like.” 

It doesn't feel like home to her anymore.

Aang tightens his grip on her hand as he feels a sadness fill his chest, "I can't believe how much things have changed,” Aang mumbles out. He looks down towards the ground and Luna sees so she goes and comforts her brother. 

She pushes away her sadness and focuses her attention on Aang. She lets go of his hand and wraps her arms around him slightly tightly. The action causes the young boy to look up to her and look into her eyes. He could tell she was sad too, since this was her home too and if he really thought about it she had lived there longer than him. She adapted more memories of this place, but she was pushing away her feelings for his sake. He didn't want that from her… but last time he told her to stop it, it ended with the two fighting about who needs to be protected more and she won. 

“So this airball game, how do you play? And how hard would it be to get Luna to play?” Sokka asks them to try and change the topic at hand. 

Luna smiles and turns her head to him, “Very hard for none airbenders and” she smirks at him, “also very, very hard” she said unwrapping her arms around Aang, who looks up to her still feeling a bit sad that she pushed her feelings away. 

But the twelve year old smiled at Sokka’s questions and took it upon himself to teach Sokka the game and game rules. 

I hope you like it. 
I’m sorry for any short chapters.
Sorry for bad grammar or spelling errors. 
You may request any one shot.
This is what I write for.
The list 

Spiderman (All Movies, all Spidermans), Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Venom, X-men, The Avengers, Guardians Of The Galaxy, DareDevil, Jessica Jones, Ultimate Spiderman, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man. 

Batman, Superman, Young Justices, Teen Titans. 

Anime shows. 
Blue Exorcist, Black Butler, The Host Club, Yuri on ice, RWBY, Haikyuu!!, Demon Slayer 

Animation shows (that don't know where to place) 

How to Train Your Dragon 1, 2, 3 and series, trollhunters tales of arcadia, 3 below tales of arcadia, wizards tales of arcadia.  

Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra. 

Tv Shows.
Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. 

The Hobbit, Marvel, DC, Joker 

You can request whenever you want and as much as you want. I will try to get every single one written for you. I may not do some and that would be either I can't see myself being able to write it or it makes me uncomfortable. 
I don't judge. 
BUT I only write for Female readers or OC, not Male readers or OC.
I write x readers. GirlxGirl, MenxGirl. 
Again I DON'T write for Male x readers or oc.

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