Chapter 5 Soulmate

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Episode 1: The boy in the iceberg 
Season 1

Chapter 5 Soulmate

Third person POV. 

Luna laid close to Aang with her eyes closed and embracing the feeling around her. The pain in her chest would go and come back every once in a while. Luna's mind was wandering to her soulmate and it didn't stop wandering there.

A smile was grazing her face as she thought of them. She has been waiting since she was thirteen for her soulmate's mark to color up, but it never did. She was then sixteen years old still waiting for her soulmark to color. 

"Hey!" Katara yells down towards them two. 

Luna's heart sped up so fast and like how Aang went flying up into the sky because he sneezed, she went flying straight too… but this time not straight up but forward right into the cold water. The loud splash woke up Sokka who got up and saw what had happened and started to laugh. 

Luna's eyes snapped open big, but quickly closed them as the water bothered her eyes. Everything was blurry and everything hurt. Her head is pounding and throbbing so harshly that she could even hear her fast beating heart beat in her head. The loud thudding was causing her to panic even more. She wanted to gasp but she couldn't if she did her lungs would be filled with water. She grasped her head tightly, she was getting scared. She hates being in it… she is after all a cat neko. 

Third person pov.

Zuko was slowly walking to his room, but before he could get there his head started to randomly throb harshly. He could hear his own heart beat and that caused him to stumble slightly to the wall beside him and hold onto the side of his head. The sound in his ears sounded like he was underwater, his throat was bruning like he needed air when he was perfectly fine to breathe. He felt this overwhelming feeling of fright, anxiety and desperation, but again he wasn't feeling that, it was someone else's feelings taking over his body and he didn't know what to do to help. 

Third person pov. 

Sokka groaned and quickly dived into the water and swam towards Luna who held her head, she was frozen in fear. His eyes found her instantly   and he swam over to her, he wrapped his arms around her and swam to the surface. Luna wrapped her arms around him and dug her face into his neck. Both of them gasped for air and held onto each other. 

A few seconds later they were on Appa’s back safely. “I’m sorry Luna, I didn't mean to scare you!” Katara said, rushing over to her. Luna coughs and shakes her hands in front of her, “No, no it's ok you didn't mean to…” she replied back fast. “Yeah… Luna doesn't like being in water… she is a cat neko after all” Aang said, scratching the back of his, “Are you ok?” he asked his oldest friend. 

Again Luna nods her head, “Yeah I'm fine” she said. She pulls her masks off her face alongside her cloak. Both siblings were looking at her, Sokka's eyes were on her face as Katara looked at her ears. 

Luna grabs her black hair and twists it to get most of the water out before spinning around quickly into the sky, the air she pulled around her dried her clothes and hair off, her feet slowly landed onto the ground softly and her hands slowly floating down beside her. She looked up to lock eyes with Sokka, his eyes wandered down to her lips and stayed there. He wanted to know what had happened to her? But all she thought was he was judging her. She quickly looked away from him in shame and jumped up high to where she landed on Appa’s head softly and sat down swiftly. 

Aang looked down sadly, “I'm sorry but she… doesn't like when people look at her lips and ears… the scars and ears make her feel insecure” he said to them. He bent down and grabbed a hold of both cloak and mask, he used his bending and dried them off as best as he could. 

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