Chapter 3 Scared, and Nice To Meet You

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Episode 1: The boy in the iceberg
Season 1

Chapter 3 Scared, and Nice to Meet You

Third person POV.

Aang looks up to Luna with a big smile on his face, he couldn't stop himself from not smiling up at her. He was so happy to see her; his closest friend. Seconds of just smiling at each other, they were wrapped in a tight hug. Luna closes her eyes and tries to calm herself down.

Aang was very much calmer than she was at the moment.

Aang is happy, smiley and just wants to go penguin sledding.

For Luna, her heart is racing in her chest so fast that she thinks it’s going to explode at any second now, she feels dizzy, scared and confused; but overall, she has tons of questions to ask and get answers back to her.

She just couldn't deny any hugs from Aang, never. She loves her little brother, and his hugs.

Luna was still so weak and cold, but she didn't care at the moment.

There's this sensational feeling that went over her body, and it slowly started to move down to her left wrist where it settled there. She didn't think about it since she was more worried that they were in the middle of nowhere to clue in on what's happening.

As the two airbenders hugged each other the big bison moved causing them to stumble slightly, "Whoa" she mumbles out. Both airbenders stumbled around before taking off Appa. She jumps and lands down to stand in front of Appa.

Luna looks around herself and spots the two water tribesmen standing there looking at them in shock and disbelief. Luna panics as both water tribesmen look her up and down. The four eyes landed onto her ears and then her lips making her insecure.

Sokka cheeks heated up.

Luna hates showing people her true self. Her ears and lip are things she rather people don't see of her. So she jumps high and lands back onto Appas back and grabs both her mask and cloak, and quickly puts both on, hiding both her ears, mark and teeth from anyone in sight. The color of her cloak and mask were the same color of her airbender clothes. She jumps and lands back beside Aang and looks to the water tribesmen.

Pointing up to the group, Sokka yelled at all of them, he mainly pointed at Appa and Luna. "What is that thing? And who are you? What are you!?"

Katara looks down to the ice below her and thinks things through. She was trying to remember what the new girl who now stands in front of her looked like. The ears and the teeth have her going down the right path.

"This is Appa, our flying bison," Aang said with his big smile on his face. Luna smiles under her mask at him.

Sokka gave them an annoyed expression, "Right! And this is Katara, my flying sister" Sokka said sarcastically.

Luna raised her eyebrow and looked at him and then to Katara. Katara beams so bright and looks at Luna as she finally remembers what gran gran had told her years ago, "You're a Neko!" She yells out.

"Yes, exactly, Luna is a black cat neko," Aang said happily. Luna stepped back and hid behind Aang, usually when people found out that she was a neko it turned bad for plenty of reasons.

"Didn't they go-"

Luna's eyes went big, she knew what was going to happen, and she didn't want any of that all over her; she jumped away from Appa before he sneezed all over.

Sokka was freaking out. He was whipping his body, his tongue, his everywhere to get the green snot off his body. Luna laughs quietly to herself. She lands back down beside Aang.

"Don't worry, it'll wash out," Aang said.

Luna laughs, but then tries not to gag from the snot all over him. She looks away from him to the girl behind him.

"So do you guys live around here?" Aang asks them.

Luna looked around herself. She could clearly see that they were in the middle of nowhere, just surrounded with open waters. She wraps her arms around her and hugs herself.

"Don't answer that!" Sokka said. He pointed his spear at Aang and Luna again, "Did you see that light? They were trying to signal the Fire Navy!" Sokka adds.

Fire Navy...? Luna questioned herself.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure he's a spy for the Fire Navy," Katara said, walking over to stand in front of her brother and push him back, "You can tell by the evil look in his eyes" she said.

Aang gave Sokka a face that made Luna laugh, "The paranoid one is my brother, Sokka. You never told us your names" Katara asks them.

"I'm..." Aang started to feel like he had to sneeze and he did. The three of them watch Aang go flying into the sky and come back, he slides down to stand on the ground. Again Luna giggles.

"I'm Aang"

"And I'm Luna, nice to meet you Katar and Sokka." She said, giving them a small wave. Finally Luna spoke to the two of the new people.

"You just sneezed and flew ten feet in the air," Sokka said, pointing into the sky.

Both Aang and Luna turned around too and looked at the sky, "Really? It felt higher than that" Aang started. "It looked higher too," Luna adds on.

"Uhh! The two of you are Airbenders!" Katara gasps out. "Sure we are,” Aang said happily.

"Giant light beams, flying bison, airbenders, nekos. I think I got midnight sun madness. I'm going home, where stuff makes sense" Sokka said.

"What's the fun in that?" Luna asks Sokka. "Well for starters, it's safe. Very safe and warm" he said pointing at her. She rolls her eyes at him, "Right... then why are you stuck in the middle of the ocean?" She fires back at him. Sokka quickly turns around to the fast empty ocean. "What!?" He yells out.

"Well if you're stuck we could give you a ride on Appa" Luna said pointing behind her to Appa. "Yeah! That's a great idea Luna. We could give you a lift home" Aang said cheerfully. He twisted up and jumped onto Appas head.

Aang twisted up and jumped onto Appa. Luna smiles and goes and follows him. She slightly puts her hands straight to where her palms are towards the ground, she bends her knees and then pushes off the ground harshly and uses her bending to help going flying right up. She lands on Appas head and swiftly sits down.

I hope you like it.
I’m sorry for any short chapters.
I'm also sorry for any bad grammar or spelling errors.
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Spiderman (All Movies, all Spidermans), Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Venom, X-men, The Avengers, Guardians Of The Galaxy, DareDevil, Jessica Jones, Ultimate Spiderman, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Agent Carter.

Batman, Superman, Young Justices, Teen Titans.

Anime shows.
Blue Exorcist, Black Butler, The Host Club, Yuri on ice, RWBY, Haikyuu!!, Demon Slayer, Hunter x Hunter, Love is War.

Animation shows (that don't know where to place)
Trese, Arcane, Gravity Falls

Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, ROTMNT.

Tv Shows.
Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

The Hobbit, Marvel, DC, Joker, Star Wars

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