Aqua And Aqua

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Chapter - 7

Cassidy and Butch had finally arrived Hoenn after a tiring flight. They had almost forgotten about their mission and thought they were on a holiday.

They walked with their luggage to find a taxi and were on their way to Rustboro City. The hotel they stayed in was luxurious, they had no idea Giovanni was so rich. They could've just asked him for a sweet little house and would've made a living together.

The hotel room telephone rang and Cassidy answered. "Hello?"

"Cassidy and Butch, a Team Aqua Member would be waiting for one of you on Route 116, near Rusturf Tunnel. And the other one would be south from Rustboro in Petalburg Woods." Said Charles. "Boss says it's your last chance, do not mess this up."

"Yeah, got it, Charles." Said Cassidy, slamming the phone back down.

"I'm gonna go towards the tunnel." Said Butch. "You go to the woods."

Both had a chance to correct their lives, well according to them, working for Giovanni forever was a correction, rather than getting a bullet in the head.

"I think we should be on our way then." Said Cassidy, standing up and walking to the door. Butch did not want to do it, he closed his eyes for a few seconds, trying to control his tears. He wanted to quit, just run away and never return to this life.

"Cassidy." Said Butch, calmly. "Do you like this job of ours? What we do?"

Cassidy stopped, she had no reply for that. "Uh, I just know when we're done with this mission, Giovanni would let us go. I just want to end this job as soon as possible, look on the bright side, police can't catch us in any other region, we could just go to Unova and live our own lives."

"Can't wait for that day." Butch smiled slightly, slowly wearing his shoes. Cassidy walked outside.

Butch pulled out his cellphone and dialed a number. The call was answered. "Uh, dad?"

"Buffy?" Asked Butch's father on the phone. "Where are you son? Wait, there I'll come get you."

"That won't be necessary, but listen-" Said Butch. "I'd rather be in the family business than Team Rocket."

"But, I don't do it anymore, the criminal stuff." Said Butch's father. "You see, I'm getting old and these things aren't right for my age, I'm a teacher now. Pretty respectable job."

"Wow! That sounds great!" Butch wanted to run away to his family. "Dad, I'll be coming home soon, I'll leave Team Rocket as soon as I'm done with this last mission."

"I missed you, Buffy." Butch smiled, it had been seven years since anyone had called him that. The only thing Butch cared about right now was his family.

Butch stood up and rushed outside. He wanted to get this mission over with. The only emotion running through his veins was hatred, for Giovanni.

I'm gonna make this right - thought Butch. Giovanni, I'm going to end you.

Butch walked throught the streets of Rustboro City, thinking about what he must do and what he can do in order to turn the tables.

Route 116 was very forest-y, something Butch really loved, he had always been attracted to nature. His biggest secret was that he was sensitive to living things, he couldn't bare to watch something bad happening to plants.

Plants reminded him of his mother who used to grow variety of herbs in the backyard when Butch was a teenager.

Butch stood right outside the Rusturf Tunnel, waiting for a man that he was supposed to meet.

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