The Art Of War - III

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Chapter - 28

Brendan and Red had been practicing for nearly an hour, they seemed to be post in their own world. Both loved Pokémon training so much that they could not even keep any track of time. They battled each other, trying to find new ways to beat one another.

May and Leaf had already practiced for about half an hour, it was enough for them, they believed excessive practice was bad and that exerting oneself was worse. "What if you don't have energy to battle tomorrow?" Leaf had said.

"I agree." May nodded. Both called their Pokémon back inside their respective Pokéball. "Let's go."

Leaf turned to Red, who was busy battling Brendan. "Red, we're going back to the PokéCenter." He didn't even listen.

Sweat poured off of Red's forehead, he was getting worked up, which was usual for a Pokémon Trainer like Red, always so hardworking.

"Espeon, use Swift." Brendan's Seedot fainted. Brendan was out of usable Pokémon.

"Well done. But can we do this again tomorrow morning?" Asked Brendan. "Like you said, I want to think of a lineup, the order in which I would use my Pokémon."

"Sure!" Red said, happily. "Let's meet here at eight tomorrow morning. About the lineup though, it depends on what Pokémon the opponent uses."

"Right." Brendan agreed. "This is so complicated." Red laughed.

"Alright." Red called back his Espeon. "Let's go back to the PokéCenter."

It was a long tiring day for Red, he and Brendan had battled each other enough, and Brendan was psyched for more. For the second time, Red acted as a mentor for a new trainer. It made him miss his time in the Johto Region with Lyra and Bugsy. For importantly, he missed his home, Pallet Town.

Of course he called his mother thrice a week, but he wanted to go back and just be there for as long as possible. Which seemed impossible at the moment.

He went back to his and Leaf's room. The best thing that came out of Hoenn so far was travelling with Leaf, a lovely coincidence for Red. He waited in the room for Leaf, while she took the longest bath. Red was tired and finally passed out. He slept soundly.

Where am I? – Red was standing in freezing cold weather on a snow covered mountain. There was no sign of another life as far as he could see. What is this place? Is this real?

Red tried to walk but his legs froze, he couldn't move. He tried harder, and suddenly his leg started paining.

He woke up from his restless sleep.

"It was a dream?" Red whispered to himself, breathing heavily and his heart racing. He took deep breaths everytime he made a movement. He looked around, he was on the lower bunk bed. The room was dark with the lights turned off, he tried to get up but his legs were paining.

Red managed to get up from the bed, Leaf was sleeping on the upper bunk, it was half past midnight and Red wasn't sleepy at all.

He sat on the study table by the window, gazing into the night sky, introspecting. He took in a deep breath, pulling out his diary and deciding to fill it more.

The night went by in a snap, Brendan woke up with a start. He felt ready for the battle against Brawly, he waited for Red in the empty ground next to the PokéCenter.

"Go everyone!" Said Brendan, sending out all his Pokémon.

Red came running to the ground, panting. Three Pokémon appeared from the Pokéballs Brendan tossed out. Red pointed his Pokédex at each of them.

"Marshtomp, a Mud Fish Pokémon. It is at its best when on muddy ground with poor footing. It quickly overwhelms foes struggling in mud." Explained the Pokédex.

"Marshtomp is my starter, used to be Mudkip." Brendan said. "Water types are cool, right?"

Red pointed the Pokédex at the second Pokémon. "Nuzleaf, a Wily Pokémon. They live in holes bored in large trees. The sound of Nuzleaf’s grass flute fills listeners with dread." Explained the Pokédex.

"Nuzleaf was Seedot, I train alot." Brendan smiled. "Then there's the last one-" Red quickly pointed his Pokédex at the third Pokémon.

"Taillow, a Tiny Swallow Pokémon. It dislikes cold seasons. They migrate to other lands in search of warmth, flying over 180 miles a day." Explained the Pokédex.

"Well." Brendan began. "Mine doesn't, he sleeps all day. I've been trying my best to make him battle another Pokémon, but he doesn't listen very often. Lazy bird."

"I hope you'll establish a connection soon, it takes time for mutual trust to develop." Red told Brendan. "It's okay, it happens alot in Pokémon training."

Brendan looked at the ground, as if calculating something in his head. He then looked up with sheer happiness and confidence. "Okay, let's go to the gym."

"No training?" Red asked. Brendan winked and started walking to the Dewford Gym. "Fine by me."

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