Unpack Your Heart

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Chapter - 10

I'm not worried, I'm just- not happy. Leaf has been acting strange for the past few hours, come one Red ask her. First, practice, Leaf what's the problem. Leaf what's the problem. Perfect, all you gotta say – Red thought.

He was lying on the upper bunk in the second room to the staircase in the Rustboro Pokecenter. He slowly got up to the point where he was sitting on the bed, he looked down at the table, where Leaf was reading a book. The room had no other light except for the study lamp.

"Leaf?" Asked Red, hoping she'll turn around and talk to him, but she continued reading, ignoring Red. "Hey, are you listening?"

"Hm." Leaf did not turn around but was listening to what Red had to say. It was clear to Red that she was ignoring him.

"I- uh wanted to-uh ask you that, I mean I've been- um uh- noticing..." Red was interrupted.

"See, it's nothing. I'm moody sometimes, don't worry I'll be fine." Said Leaf, calmly. She tried not to hurt Red in any way. Red wasn't satisfied with the answer, he knew Leaf would never act like this, ever. "Goodnight."


It rained violently, with raindrops falling on the room window with a loud thud. Red closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep, thinking about Leaf.

Red! – said Leaf. Red looked at Leaf in his dream, sitting next to him. They sat in front of the Kanto Sea, with a fishing rod in their hands.

We've been sitting here for the past hour, there are no water Pokémon here. We should've just sat at home. – Red explained. He was so eager to show his Pokémon X team to Leaf.

We should wait. – Said Leaf, she pulled her fishing rod up a little but ir didn't move. She tried again but it was stuck. I think I got something.

Leaf stood up and pulled it. Red looked at her intensely, curious about what she had just caught. This is heavy. I need some help. – Said Leaf, struggling.

Red assisted her. They pulled the rod together and it was out. At the other side of the fishing rod, was a boot filled with marbles, with the hook inside the eyelet of the boot.

Both looked at each other with slight disappointment and laughed.

Let's get outta her. – Said Leaf, holding Red's hand and pulling him along.

Red woke up with a start. It was 8 in the morning, sunlight illuminated the room which was the only reason he was up so early. Well it was early for Red.

He looked down, no sign of Leaf. Red wanted to talk to her about why she had been acting different, he needed to know, it was important to him. Leaf was his best friend and he wanted to fix whatever went wrong, he knew he did or said something, but he wasn't sure what it was.

Red left the room in search of Leaf, he assumed she would be in the washroom, so he stood outside for a few minutes. Nobody entered nor exited the washroom, it was obvious she wasn't inside. He then walked to the reception.

Leaf was sitting there on a couch, reading a book. She then put the red colored book inside, and pulled out a purple one. "Jason hated being old-"

"Leaf!" Red exclaimed, Leaf stopped reading and focused on Red, she was still upset with him. "I wanted to talk."

"We talked yesterday, Red." Leaf stuffed her book inside the bag and stood up. "I'm still going to say that I'm just moody, you do not have to worry about me, see I'm talking to you properly right now, right? Don't worry."


"No but, don't consider yourself at fault everytime, stop demotivating yourself." Said Leaf, smiling gently. "We have a gym battle today."

"I think we should meet up Cassidy and Butch first, those guys are risking their lives." Red started considering them as allies, but still doubted them. "Team Rocket has tried to manipulate us before, I know that, working with them is dangerous but everytime when it comes to helping me or helping Giovanni, these guys just help me."

"I trust you." Said Leaf, with a frown. "I just, feel really tired doing this Pokémon Trainer thing, it's becoming boring."

Red giggled, he remembered the time she wanted to be a journalist. But then he became worried, what if she quits? She will have to leave him alone on the journey.

"Maybe reconsider journalism after Hoenn League. Remember, when you wanted to-" Red continued speaking while Leaf tried to remember an incident.

Oh, hello Leaf. I knew you'd come by, I made your favourite Blueberry Pie. – Said Red's Mom, gesturing her hands to present the pie kept on the dining table.

Red and Leaf put their fish baskets down along with the fishing rods and washed their hands. Both sat on the dining table and started eating the pie.

You should come by more often. – Said Red's Mom. Everyone becomes so happy suddenly when you're around.

Thank you! But that's his job. – Said Leaf, pointing at Red next to her. Red you-

"-are my best friend, Leaf." Said Red, Leaf snapped out of her flashback. "And I'm really happy when you're around me, but I want to know if you feel the same."

Leaf smiled. "I do."

"I'll get my bags, then we'll be on our way to the Hotel those guys are staying at, okay?"


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