Distortion - I

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Chapter - 39

Cyrus was fascinated and astonished. He was fascinated to be able to see the stunning view of what looked like a post-apocalyptic world. The sky was- nevermind, there was no sky. It was an endless void of nothingness with a pinkish purple background. The background even had a moving spiral effect.

I swear I've seen this crap in Doctor Who — Cyrus thought. What now? I am in the Distortion World, like I intended to do. But how am I going to find Giratina? This place seems to be infinite, instead of what we theorized.

Cyrus was standing at the edge of a huge piece of land. The Distortion World seemed to be made of similar infinite levitating islands, disobeying alot of laws of physics (and disrespecting Newton in every way possible).

Okay, there is no need to be discouraged. You can do find it. The real good news is that - your plan has worked. After all those years you are finally where you belong. Ready to rule the world with the immortal weapon. You just have to find it — Cyrus thought.

"You can't find it." Cyrus heard a voice from behind him. His heart skipped a beat to hear another human's voice in this realm. He quickly turned around to see who it was. It was an old man, around 60-years-old. He wore a sky blue shirt, beige pants along with a dirty white lab coat. He was a very handsome man, almost giving George Clooney vibes to Cyrus. He was cleanshaved and wore spectacles.

"I don't understand." Said Cyrus, trying to deduce the man by looking at him. "Are you a scientist? I suppose you've been here for quite a while."

"Well for starters, you got that right. I was pulled into this realm, the Distortion World, as I call it. I've been living here for months, trying to figure out it's nature and a way to get out of here." Said the old man. "Anyways, who are you and why are you here?"

"My name is Cyrus, I am a scientist as well. I was performing an experiment while I accidentally-" Cyrus was interrupted by the old man immediately.

"Bullshit." Said the old man. "It wasn't an accident. You are here for a purpose, you chose to be here. Why?"

"How do you know I chose to be here?" Asked Cyrus, surprised to see the old man's ability to deduce him better. "And who are you? I can ask the same questions old man."

"Firstly, you are not surprised to see this place at all, how all the things are floating and vanishing. The nature of this place is remarkable yet you were instead surprised to find me here." Said the old man. "Secondly, for the introduction, my name is Gregorio Silverman, I was a historian and a scientist by profession. And at last, do not call me old man again. Trust me when I say, I know alot about this place than anyone possibly could imagine."

"And how long have you been here, in this realm?" Asked Cyrus. "You said you've been here since months."

"It feels like months. But I have no clue, time works differently in this place. The only thing I don't know about this place, is how the time works here. Last thing I know, I was with a fellow scientist, experimenting some kind of unknown element, we called it Antimatter." Said Gregorio. "That was in the year 1969. After that, poof, I ended up here."

"I'm so sorry. You've been stuck here since then?" Cyrus felt a little bad for Gregorio. "Dr. Silverman, you've been here since that long?"

"What do you mean by that long? Is it 1970 yet?" Asked Dr. Silverman. "Or has it been more than that?"

"Actually, it's 2014." Cyrus explained. "It feels like you've been here since a few months but it has been almost half a century."

"2014, huh?" Dr. Silverman gasped, not surprised in the slightest. "That proves my theory to why these Pokemon live for centuries. Because of their respective realms. The time here passes slowly than it does on the outside, making us or anyone in here - timeless."

"There has got to be a way to get out of this place right? How were you planning to get out of here when you came here?" Asked Cyrus, trying his best to contain his anxiety but still panicking.

"Like I told you, I didn't plan to come here, it was just an accident at my laboratory." Said Dr. Silverman. "The only way though, to get out of here is the controller of this realm."

"And where do I find it?" Cyrus started asking the real questions. He wanted to know everything possible about Giratina, as he intended to catch it and rule the world. He wanted to live in a world where he was the dictator and everyone answered to Team Galactic.

"Giratina?" Asked Dr. Silverman. "You can't! I'm sorry but, you're stuck here forever. I've been trying to look for that thing since day one, but the vastness of this realm makes it impossible to find it. The place is infinite in every direction, with every piece of land moving randomly without a pattern, except for one."

"What is that?" Asked Cyrus, curiously. His heart skipping every other beat.

"There is always this one time in a few days when every piece of land resets and comes back to a default starting position. It happens with an explosive sound, but it does not really damage the surroundings at all." Said Dr. Silverman. "I first heard this sound when I got here. Then it kept happening in different spans of time, with the time span growing."

"When did the most recent one happen?" Cyrus asked. "Tell me everything you know about this place. I have to get out of here."

"The most recent one?" Dr. Silverman said, realizing something. "When you arrived. Wait, does that mean everytime someone enters the realm is when it resets?"

"Or that whenever someone enters the realm, it allocates one reset to them and sends them there. But why does it keeps growing?" Cyrus could not figure out everything on his own.

"Unless this place is the personification of antimatter. It's not made of antimatter, it is antimatter." Dr. Silverman theorized. "The universe is ever expanding right? This expansion and various other factors, causes the time taken for Earth to revolve around the sun to increase over a million years."

"So the fact that the Distortion World is able to feel this change is because it exists at the edge of the universe, so we can literally feel this expansion." Cyrus concluded.

"Not on the edge, since it infact is antimatter." Dr. Silverman continued. "It exists outside our universe. And if the multiverse exists, and I hope that Schrödinger was wrong, but if it does exist, we might not be able to go back to our world even if we somehow manage to harness Giratina's powers."

"What do you mean?" Asked Cyrus.

"I think I need to start thinking about getting out of this place again." Dr. Silverman was suddenly anxious. "I don't know how my nephews are doing without me. Are they even alive? God! Cyrus, follow me, we need to get back to my place."

"You have a place in this hell-hole?"

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