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"What's your name?" A doctor around his 30's who wore a white coat and sat in front of a clipboard pen in hand asked.

Violet was sitting up, looking as if she were in a daze. 

"Violet" she responded showing no emotion.

"What's your name?" The doctor asked more sternly

"Subject X1" she spoke again this time more of a whisper as if she was embarrassed of the name.

"Do you know why you're here?" He asked keeping his calm façade though Violet could sense the anger radiating from him.

"I'm weird I don't belong out there" she whispered

"That's right, do you know what we do to people who aren't normal" he asks with a fake smile.

"Annihilate them" she whispered without missing a beat.

"No, but your going to wish-" he was cut off.

The monitor went grey with static as the white noise interrupted, it only lasted a couple long seconds before the monitor came back on as if it never went out. Violet stood in the exact same position with the same exact expression except this time the doctor who once sat straight now sat with his broken neck on the table.

Guards rushed in immediately pulling Subject X1 off her seat ang dragging her out of the room while nurses hurried in checking the dead man. Violet was thown in the sleeping chambers which was a concrete room with no lighting and gas pipes that sedate people into deep sleep, they were commonly used on patience who showed hostility.

 Violet was thown in the sleeping chambers which was a concrete room with no lighting and gas pipes that sedate people into deep sleep, they were commonly used on patience who showed hostility

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Violet sat on the floor, freshly out of the sleeping chambers. She sat on the dusty floor of her white concrete room with small wooden blocks, which were her only source of entertainment when she wasn't high off drugs.

She brought one hand up as it began to ignite with a red glow, she slowly brought the cubes up before solely focusing on two main ones in front of her. She brought both hands up twirling both cubes in their place before quickly bringing them to collapse on one and other making them break into splinters from the force.

For being trapped in a white room all day she was pretty healthy, when she was tranquilized two caretakers where brought in to do things such as brush her hair and take her of her room. They essentially took care of her helping her at times with simpler things like changing.

She let all the blocks fall as the door began to squeak indicating that someone was entering. She didn't look up as two guards came in one handed her a cup with two blue pills with one darker side and one lighter side. They were encapsulated with a plastic outside. She took the cup bringing it up to her lips dropping both pills in her mouth. She snuck them in the back part of her mouth on her gums before swallowing. She opened her mouth as the guard checked before turning her around and putting handcuffs made from astheno-ridium, a substance to block out her energy. Ingesting it could kill her or bring her very close to that state.

She felt a slight burn but by this time she was used to it, and so was her body, she had been purposely making the cuffs tighter in order to build a tolerance. Once the cuffs were tightened they harshly pulled her up before pulling her by her arms, she knew she'd get bruises, and they knew too. They just didn't care.

She got dragged by the guards as their hands dug in her arms, she passed several corridors before she made it to the large metal white familiar door. Two guards opened the doors before they pulled her in, they stopped just after the entrance before harshly pushing her. If it wasn't for her sick girl act she would have responded with something that was sure to get her in trouble. Once she was in line she discreetly brought her right hand up facing away from the guards before spitting them out, and tucking them in the pocket of her tan cargo pants.

When she got a tray she sat down at her usual table on the left closest to the row that was opened. She played with her food not being able to eat although she knew she had to eat in order to build her strength if she ever wanted to get out of this hell hole. She was brought out of her trance when a boy walked up to her "can I sit?" he asked gesturing to the seat in front of her. She looked up at him studying his appearance before nodding, he took the chance as he sat down in front of the mysterious girl he just met.

"I'm Aris" he introduced, "Subject X1- Violet" the girl responded, quickly hiding her mistake to her new friends, looking up at him giving him a small smile. She took that chance to study him, "you're new" she whispered. "Yeah actually, I just got here" he said smiling. Violet tilted her head, she'd never had a friends before. Something about Aris brought her comfort, "I can tell we'll be great friends" she said with a quiet laugh careful not to attract unwanted attention.

After dinner Violet was once again whisked away, "well it was nice meeting you" she said before the guards forced her up on her feet. Aris starred at her strangely, she hesitated before walking in front of them, Aris eye's never once leaving her. She was then led back to her bleak boring white room with nothing inside but a bed and shattered wood splinters.

 She was then led back to her bleak boring white room with nothing inside but a bed and shattered wood splinters

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(Italic-non edited a/n.,.Bold-edited a/n)

I'm aware that i haven't finished not one of my books but i got this idea and i wanted to make it into a book. You'll be seeing more of Aris and Maze A in the next chapter.

So as you can tell, this chapter is now edited. As you've noticed most details will stay the same I'm just adding more and fixing the timeline.

Subject X1- The Leader (Non Edited)Where stories live. Discover now