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 I woke up early to breakfast in my room, i ate before as always the nurses came in to do a daily check up. She withdrew more blood making me dizzy, after she left i realized one of the younger nurses had dropped of a book, it was a normal book probably a reward for good behavior. Once they were gone and i was bathed and had my teeth brushed and hair i was ready for the day. I know if they saw me reading right now id be in trouble for slouching all day so i started with warm ups. I did lapse from one side of the large room to the other before doing push ups and sit ups. After i had warmed up i practiced throwing the parts of the chair from yesterday before moving it all to one corner. 

 I was nervous to find out if Aris found someone who can help us, the sooner we got out of here the better. I took a beak drinking water, i didn't know if my powers were a curse or a blessing. Maybe they were a blessing disguised as a curse, or a curse disguised as a blessing whatever they were i was kind of grateful for them. Though they did bring me trouble of being watched all the time and no one ever trusting me. 

 You see not only could i control things but i could also control people, well the people who didn't wear a certain stone. I'm not sure how but Janson wears a ring with a stone along with his top two body guards. Whatever it is it keeps me from compelling them, for this reason not many people trust me. They think ill compel them to do something horrible, which isn't exactly a lie i mean id compel guards but not innocent people. I'm not a mad women i don't do bad things for no reason. 

 After i was done with working out and practicing it was time for dinner, so i made my way to my bathroom to get washed up changing out of my black workout clothes and into my white long sleeve shirt and kahki cargo pants. After i was finished i layed on my bed till my hair dried before the doors started creaking. i sat at the end of my bed waiting for the guards to come in with my medicine. As expected they both came in one holding a cup which he handed me, i took it from him taking the pills hiding them in the back of my mouth before handing the cup back to the guard. He checked my mouth before both guards took my arms pulling me up to my feet and dragging me out of my room.

 When i arrived i was late yet again, quickly getting a tray of food i sat down in my usual seat with Aris, "what's the news" i asked as i began to slowly eat from my tray. "He's going to do it, he said he'll give me a sign, ill take him to see the room i found then hopefully convince him  to come with us" he spoke not looking up. I nodded before turning to the table of boys from Maze A, they were all chatting or arguing either way they were talking. I turned back to my food finishing up quickly incase they had to drag me out. 

 It wasn't till a couple minutes later the brown haired boy got up calling someone's name beginning to walk towards a guard, i didn't know if he was smart or stupid as he began to approach a guard. I watched intently as the boy was arguing with him before he preceded to push him, he could of been more hidden as he took the guards card on the second push. It wasn't til the guard pushed him off taking out his weapon that the other maze boys all ran up to help his friends. They all pulled back there friend apologizing but the guard didn't care he pointed his weapon to the boy in front of him which happened to be the blonde trying to cover his friend.

 The guard aimed his gun at his head, i knew if they got hurt we wouldn't be able to leave so i carefully moved my hand from my lap up but still under the table. i looked around realizing none of the guards were looking i jerked my hand to the side making the guards gun jerk only flashing red for a slight second. The guard put his gun down as Janson ordered them back to there rooms, as they were being led out the the blonde turned to look at me i flashed him a wink before they were out of sight. Moments later my time was up i said goodbye to Aris with another wink before a guard came to take me, he cuffed me making me stand and lead me to my room where he un cuffed me and threw me in locking the door behind me. 

 I was hoping Aris didn't forget about me or leave me behind, i hated every second of being here it felt like torture. The rest of the time i spent it in my room sleeping to try and regain my energy form training earlier. I fell asleep almost instantly as my head hit the pillow, i was still ridden with nerves on Aris's plan, that being my last though as i fell asleep.

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