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Darkness. That was all she saw, along with hearing the voices of her friends as the van they were in kept jolting.

Just before this though, Thomas, Violet, Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge were on there way to the last city when they came across a bit of a problem. Violet as always not paying attention until a black bag was put over her head. While the group started freaking out she was getting more pissed by the minute.

Now we're all caught up, Violet sat with her arms crossed with chains loosely on her hands, she could easily slip out but didn't want to till the van came to a complete stop. After a few more torturing minutes the van finally came to a stop, that's when Violet slipped her hands out of the chains but keeping them over her wrist so it looked like she was still in them. She heard the door open before the bag was taken off of her head, that when she slipped off the chains right when she was about attack a guard the ringing in her skull sounded. She felt the same pounding on her skull as she dropped to her knees screaming in pain. "Stop, leave her alone" Newt yelled as him and his friends where already out. When the ringing stopped she dropped to the floor as blood began to trickle down her nose and ears. Guards came in grabbing both the girls arms as she closed her eyes suddenly feeling tired, "was that really necessary" Thomas asked concerned as he watched the guards drop Violet on the floor. He knees buckled as she fell to her knees, she wiped the blood with the back of her hand as Frypan came and helped her. Newt knew if he tried he'd get injured by her, "fucking shithead!" he spat as she regained her balance.

Violet guessed that they knew the guy standing in front of her because they were talking like old friends. She watched annoyed before she finally asked "and who the hell are you?" crossing her shoulders as she was mad and felt more strong now. Newt watched with jealousy as she accepted Frypans help but not his. "Gally" Thomas and the boy said at the same time, "wanna tell me why you were about to beat the shit out of him just a minute ago" Violet asked quirking an eyebrow up. "He killed my friend" Thomas spoke without looking away from Gally. "Resonable" Violet said tilting her head, "i'm sorry who are you" Gally asked at the new girl. "Violet, pleasure" she spoke sarcastically, "where'd you find her" Gally asked turning to Thomas. "WCKED" he said simply. "You were with WCKED" Gally asked turning back to the raven haired girl. "I was a test subject what do you not understand" Violet said irritated, "she's got attitude...i like it" he said making Violet roll her eyes. "Look i want to help ok, i regret everything i did and i've had a lot of time to think" he said specifically looking at Thomas.

Gally was taking them to whoever owned the place apparently, while they where walking to meet said person Violet slipped from the group wanting to look around this place. She walked to where they were standing before but on the other side of the building. The building was weirdly shaped, it had a cylinder in the middle missing so you could see down and around the other floors. Violet walked over to the edge sitting on it at she looked around beginning to slowly swing her feet. Part of Violet didn't want her emotions back, because if she got them back she'd be full of rage and hate for Theresa and for WCKED.

Something no one knew was Theresa and Violet used to be friends, Theresa would sneak in books to read and activities to help with boredom. They slowly drifted when Thomas started talking to Theresa and the two girls were hardly friends after that. Violet looked up catching a faint glimpse of blonde locks. She sighed getting up and heading to a door that said exit on it before continuing to climb up a couple floor of stairs. When she finally reached the top she pushed open the door swing Newt on sitting on the edge of the building looking deep into thought. He turned around at the sound of a door closing slightly surprised at the sight of Violet, she wordlessly came over sitting next to him. "You know killing yourself wont get you out of this mess" Violet paused looking up at the sun that would be setting soon. "Believe it or not i've tried...multiple times" she whispered the last part. Newt looked over at her with concern to which she just shrugged off not thinking it was important.

"So how long have you had it?" she asked all of a sudden, she turned to at his confused expression "don't play that card, it doesn't work" she said before turning back to look at the orange sky. "It just now got bad" he whispered, she nodded just as the door opened. Thomas slowly walked over to the two "take my spot i'm out" she said getting up walking towards the door. Before leaving she turned slightly "you guys have a lot of catching up to do" she said before walking out of the door down the stairs to try and find her group she came with.

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