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Part of her was wishing this was all a dream, as she laid there with her eyes closed but awake because she knew once she opened them there'd be no Aris by her side to check if she was okay. There'd be no Minho lightening the mood by telling jokes which would make us angry but deep down we'd appreciate him trying to make us smile. It couldn't be avoided, i fluttered my eyes open feeling a bandage on my abdomen, i still felt the lingering of a headache as i sat up. I heard arguing outside, i wasn't sure how long i'd been gone but hopefully not long. I slowly got up and out of bed slipping on my combat boots and zipping them up. I slowly crept to the opening of the tent as the voices grew louder.

"It's to dangerous, i'm not risking anymore lives" Vincent said angrily which was a cover up for fear. "Face it Thomas, we lost we're done" he said a little lower as i exited the tent walking slowly over. "What's going on?" i asked as i came closer, "Violet you shouldn't be out of bed" Vince said quietly, "where's mom and Nick" i said looking around noticing little to no people walking around along with dead bodies lying all around us. There was no response "Vince where the hell is my mom and Nick?" i asked louder, he looked up sadly "they took Nick" he whispered. "And my mom?" i pressed getting angrier at his vague response, he simple pointer towards a spot with the most dead bodies. There, and even from afar i spotted her brown curly hair. "Damn it" i muttered while grabbing the closest thing which was a lantern and throwing it on the ground next to me. "Violet?" Thomas asked worriedly, "save it, i'm done wallowing in self pity" i said lowly before walking towards the lifeless body on the ground i once called mom.

All my sadness turned into anger as i got closer, cause if it didn't i'd feel numb and would cry and that wouldn't do anything to help. As i stood next to her i crouched next to her body which was facing up, i sighed as i reached grabbing her hand which was laid on the ground. As i felt her touch which was once warm i realized it was gone, leaving behind a coldness. I rubbed slow circles as i looked up to see her eyes still open, i slowly moved my fingers up closing her eyelids before taking both her hands and putting them on top of one another on her chest. I felt pure hatred for everything and everyone, WICKED took everything from me and i intend to get it back and more.

I slowly stood up feeling a sharp pain shoot through my abdomen, i lifted my shirt that definitely wasn't mine to see the slightly soaked bandage which was now turning red. "What the hell" i muttered under my breathe bringing a hand up as my palm faced upward. I tried to create a hall of energy, anything but all that came was a couple sparks before utterly vanishing. "Shit" i said letting out a sigh, i was drained physically and emotionally which was probably one of the reasons for this. My chip has a auto turn off button, if i use a lot of energy my powers turn off so i don't end up killing myself. I have to much energy for my body to handle, it's as if a light bulb went out in my head. I walked back to the group, "so what's the plan" i asked Thomas knowing he would have a plan. "Well-" he started but was cut off by Newt "no, no your not getting involved you could get hurt, worse" he said concerned. "Newt i really appreciate it, but i promised myself i'd protect Aris no matter the cost. I intend to fill that promise, besides they have my brother" i said crossing my arms. "Look we need a decent plan before we just bust in there" i said looking between both of them. They looked at each other before turning back to me, "we'll come up with a plan tomorrow morning now please, get some rest we'll talk tomorrow" Newt said gesturing to a tent. I groaned before turning and walking away, i headed towards the dark empty tent with a small sleeping bag next to a lantern.

I walked over and spotted a small necklace with a locket, i slowly walked to the cot not sure what to do. I slowly knelt down picking up the cold metal locket in my hand, i slowly took a shakily hand and opened the locket. Inside there was two things, on one side was a text written in sharpie "brother & sister forever" the next thing was a photo that made me start tearing up letting out a shaky sob. There was a picture of 9 year old Violet in pigtails and 11 year old Nickolas. I let out another shaky sob escape as tears fell down my eyes, "another lie" i muttered my throat burning from all the tears.

I slowly rolled over laying down on the ground turning on my side as i let the tears fall. Mom had lied she said my brother was dead Nick said he was a childhood friend, turns out he was my big brother. I turned falling asleep as another shaky sob escaped my dry throat, i was reeled into the darkness and i wasn't upset.

 I turned falling asleep as another shaky sob escaped my dry throat, i was reeled into the darkness and i wasn't upset

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Omg plot twist?! Nickolas is actually Violets brother so who is Tyler? Is he a friend? Boyfriend?

Really quickly so Violets had dreams about Tyler that will be brought up later so that hopefully will clear things up. I'm trying to post often because i personally loose interest when the author takes to long to post so yeah please read and thanks.

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