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Violet sat bored out of her mind, the boys had gone out on a mission to execute there new plan. Since there last one didn't work they came up with a different one, and this one was sure as hell going to work.

Violet sat at a table in a large room next to brenda as the girls waited for the gentlemen to arrive. "How does it feel" Brenda asked all of a sudden, Violet furrowed her eyebrows turning to look at her "what do you mean?" Brenda sighed "to not have emotions" she finished. Violet shrugged "it feels great, you don't worry about anyone or anything because you don't care about anyone or anything. You feel free" Violet spoke looking at the ground. Brenda was about speak before she was interrupted by the boys walking in dragging a blindfolded Theresa behind them. Violet smirked at how scared she seemed, the boys roughly set her on a chair before Newt ripped the bag off her head then walked over next to Thomas who was in front of us sitting. Theresa's breathing was heavy as she brought a hand up to push her hair back.

She looked around frantically before catching Gally's eye "Gally?" she asked surprised. "Here's how this is going to go" he paused throwing something he was holding onto the table. "We're going to ask you some questions and your going to tell us exactly what we need to know" he continued ignoring her. "We'll start of simple, where's Minho?" he asked getting up wheeling a chair in front of her. "You guys don't seriously think-" she was cut off my Gally slamming his chair down. Theresa looked at Thomas clearly pleading for help, Thomas looked down to avoid her stare. "Don't look at him, look at me why are you looking at him? look at me, he's not going to help you" he said as he sat down blocking her view. Theresa's eyes flickered from Gally to Thomas and back to Gally.

"Now, we know you have Minho in the building, where?" he spoke straight forward. "He's with the others in holding sub level three" she spoke looking down. "How many others?" Newt spoke up from beside Thomas. "28" Gally turned back to look at Thomas, "we can make that work" Brenda spoke up from next to me as she played solitaire. "No, no you guys don't understand the whole levels restricted, you can't get in without a thumb print or ID" she said looking between the group. "That's why your going to come with us" Thomas spoke up now.

"Well i don't know we don't necessarily need her, right" he paused getting up moving his chair to the side. Violet watched amused at the situation, "not all of her" he continued walking over to a table with scalpels and daggers. "We just need her finger" he said picking up a dagger and walking a few steps closer. "Gally back off" Thomas spoke, Violet scoffed jumping down from the table walking over to Theresa.

"No i agree with Gally" she spoke softly as she slowly walked closer, "Violet, we used to be friends" Theresa spoke clearly afraid. "That was before you got my mom killed and brother kidnapped" she spat getting angrier, "your lucky we need you" she paused bending down grabbing a strand of Theresa's hair in her fingers. "But as soon as your useless" she paused getting closer, "i'll slit your throat ear to ear" she pulled away to see fear in her face as Theresa looked down not wanting to look her in the eye. Violet grabbed her chin making her look up "a life for a life, chica" she said with a smirk. "Violet" Thomas warned, Violet roughly pushed Theresa's face from her hands before standing back up. "Calm down Tommy i won't hurt your girlfriend" Violet said as she walked closer "yet" she finished with a wink before going back to her seat next to Brenda.

"I like her" Gally said with a smirk as Violet sent him a wink, Newt felt jealousy all of a sudden over a small interaction. "I grantee you she's done a lot worse to Minho" he spoke angry at Thomas for defending her. "Gally that's not part of the plan back off" Thomas spoke getting up and walking to Gally. Meanwhile Violet had picked up a dagger laying down on the small side of the table twirling it in her fingers. "Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, no matter how much times she back stabs you, you'll always protect her" Violet spoke with hatred letting out a scoff "pathetic" she finished as she threw the dagger in the air. She swiftly caught it my the handle inches from her face.

The boys turned to look at her clearly worried she'd hurt herself but Violet didn't even turn to look at them. "It won't make a difference, do whatever you want to me. You still won't get through the front door, the sensors will pick you up-" "we know" Gally cut her off. "We're tagged" Thomas finished walking closer to Theresa, he kneeled down infront of her "wow Thomas already getting on your knees for her" Violet muttered not looking up. "Your gonna help us with that" he said ignoring Violet, to be honest he was nervous to set her off. She was like a bomb that could explode any second.

After Theresa agreed Thomas pulled a chair as Theresa reached to pick up a scalpel "don't think about it" Gally said putting his hand on hers before she nodded. Thomas was the first one as he sat down clearly nervous, "this is gonna sting a little" she whispered before making a cut.

After removing the rest of the Glader's chips it was Violets turn, she walked over to Theresa as she was cleaning the scalpel. "Violet i have to warn you-" Theresa started but was cut of by Violet "just do it" she was clearly not in the mood to talk. "No you don't understand after i remove this your emotions will be back along with your energy, but now you'll have 100% pow-" Violet cut her off "just do it i don't care" she said as she moved her hair out of the way. Theresa nibbled her lip thinking before she brought her scalpel down to make a cut. Violet didn't flinch or even move as Theresa took out the chip and sewing back up the open wound. "Done" she breathed, everyone looked around waiting for her to do something. Violet looked around still feeling the same, "how do you feel" Brenda asked from her spot. "Exactly the same" Violet muttered looking down at her hands, she didn't feel anything she still felt the same. "That's not possible unless.." Theresa trailed off looking up at Violet, "your controlling this now, you must still be choosing to have them off" she spoke softly, Violet couldn't tell if she was making her emotions turn off.

"It's fine" she muttered looking back down "it's better this way anyway" she spoke as she brought her hand up trying to make a ball of energy, nothing. She let out a soft scoff before walking back to her seat next to Brenda.

The boys where talking trying to figure out the best route inside the compound. Violet looked over at Newt noticing he looked slight paler, Violet wanted to feel something but she just couldn't.

Once they came up with a plan which involved Thomas and Newt going to get Minho while Violet served as the get away driver with Brenda. Violet was nervous, she knew that she'd eventually sneak out to go find the room where they keep the cures for trial.

And as the boys began to suit up in WCKED uniforms along with the two girls in weapons Violet allowed herself to feel hope for once.

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