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We had rested in some abandoned building after checking for cranks, we were now in this small city which was filled with people. Jorge had explained it to us kind of, when people get the flare they go to Marcus' place to have one last good time before they get a bullet in there head. We had gotten separated from Thomas and Brenda but Jorge wasn't worried so i wasn't going to be either.

We had made it to Marcus' place which was crawling with drunk girls and guys. As we approached a guy was standing out with a large bottle of green liquid. He immediately gave me a weird vibe when we made eye contact, i grabbed Newts hand holding it in mine he looked down at me with a smirk "oh shut up" i whispered as we got closer to the guy. "Entry fee" he said as he held out the bottle to us, we all looked around at each other. Jorge was the first one to take the bottle taking a swig before handing it back to the guy and walking in. The guy look at Minho next, he took the bottle without hesitation taking a gulp handing it back to him. The rest of the group drank until it came down to me and Newt. He went first taking a gulp before taking his hand holding the bottle over my mouth as i water falled it before he took it handing it back to the guy while i wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Look you don't want to get hit on, i don't either i suggest we stay together" i called over the loud blaring music. We walked together holding hands as we made our way around the room looking for anyone familiar. We made it to the back of the room where there were less people. We stood there looking around "see anyone of our group?" i called looking around. "No" he yelled back, my view was blocked my a guy with a silver tray of shot glasses with red liquid in it. "Care for a drink" he called looking at both of us. On instinct Newt brought his hand up and around my waist pulling me closer. "No thanks we're good" he responded, the guy was obviously not happy with our answer. "He's just starting, i'll take one" i said as i grabbed a shot glass with red liquid. I tilted my head back downing it before putting the shot glass back on the tray. I made a face of disgust, it didn't taste like any normal alcohol it tasted horrible. "You two together?" he asked looking between us, "yeah actually we are" Newt responded i felt the alcohol in my system as i giggled at Newts accent. The guy just nodded probably not buying it i internally cringed at what i was about to do.

I turned towards Newt wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning close to his ear "trust me ok?" i asked as i slowly pulled away just enough to see his face. He nodded as the alcohol got to my brain i leaned in our lips touching. It was a soft kiss as i felt his soft lips on mine, before he pushed forward our bodies pressed together as he kissed back. I needed to see if this guy left so i slowly trailed my lips down to his jawbone then his neck. I slowly turned my head to the guy who was still standing there. "Ah young love" he said before walking away. "About time" i muttered as i slowly pulled away. "I'm sorry, if i made you uncomfortable" i said even though i enjoyed the kiss it was amazing i felt bad for doing it without asking him or knowing if he was okay with it.

"No it's okay, i enjoyed it" he said with a small smirk which made my heart race and my face heat up. "We should probably go look for Jorge" i said before unwrapping my hands from his neck and slipping one hand into his. I pulled him through the crowed we passed by a tray off drinks as i took one drinking it before putting the glass back on the tray. I'm definitely going to need that, we made our way down a long concrete corridor when we heard screaming. We turned into a small room where a guy was tied up to a chair with Jorge in front of him his knuckles all bloody. "I take it you found Marcus?" i asked as i walked next to Jorge Newt trailing behind me. "If it isn't Subject X1 or what do they call you again? Violet is it? You know your the talk around here, the manipulative bitch who massacred a whole team" he said smirking. "Shut the hell up" i warned "oh what they don't know?" he paused looking around "they actually don't know do they" he continued. "I'm warning you" i said as i slipped my hand out of Newts. "Well it probably doesn't come to a surprise to you guys i mean you know what she's capable of but do you know that she's capable of murdering you all-"

He was cut off by my fist punching him causing his head to jerk to the side on impact. He let out a sick laugh "let's face it, you'll always be a manipulative bitch" he spat before i punched him as a snap sound came from his nose. I walked out, walking out the door and leaned on the wall right next to the door. I didn't know why he affected me so much it shouldn't even matter but he still made me feel like shit. Newt came out turning when he spotted me, i quickly wiped the small tears that had trickled down my cheeks. "If you came out here to ask if i'm fine i'm fine" i said looking straight ahead at the wall in front of me. "Look i know your not, and it's ok to not be ok" he said softly as he walked in front of me. I jumped onto him hugging him and burrying my head into the crook of his neck before letting out a strangled sob.

"It's my fault isn't it, that's what they told me. When i killed them, because i did he's right i killed them. They were trying to hurt someone, i couldn't let them do it. I couldn't i couldn't let them" i said before sobbing. "No, no it's not your fault ok anyone who works for WCKED is bad. It's not your fault ok?" he said calming me down patting my hair down.

 Okay so i haven't seen the maze runner movies in years so i know the timeline is kind of messed up

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Okay so i haven't seen the maze runner movies in years so i know the timeline is kind of messed up. Right now i'm writing this based off the internet and youtube so sorry...

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