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While Violet was taking her peaceful nap or at least as peaceful as it got Aris was removing the vent from the floor under his bunk. He jumped in covering the vent before crawling in the direction of Maze A's room. It took him a minute of crawling around before he finally reached the boy's dorms. He heard faint arguing as he got closer before he finally arrived, he quietly took of the cover of the vent before climbing up and halfway in sitting on the opening. "Hey Thomas, you got it?" he asked eyeing the brown haired boy. "Yeah c'mon" he said walking towards him Aris climbed back in Thomas following closely behind as they made there way in the tunnels, "almost there?" Thomas asked as he began to get in patient. "Close" Aris responded simply, "hey who was that girl with you, is she part of your maze?" Thomas asked, "no i met her here" he began "and...we're here" he called as they got to the end of a vent which led to the room Aris discovered except this time it wasn't empty. Janson stood there typing something in his computer which made Aris turn to Thomas signaling him to keep quiet. They watched for a couple moments as Janson typed away on a board before a hologram projected out, what they saw made them go white as ghosts. Ava Paige stood there talking to Janson, they knew it wasn't a video because Janson was talking and she was responding.

Aris turned to see Thomas with the same expression as him, he had to warm Violet and the others. He quietly shook Thomas taking him out of his trance, he motioned for them to head back and Thomas quietly agreed. They started to quickly head back to the room neither saying anything as they were still in shock. Aris felt his throat close up he couldn't speak, when they finally arrived Thomas quickly climbed up before helping Aris. He stood there trying to proccess what they just saw as Thomas began to freak out.

"We have to go" he kept repeating as he quickly took a from one of the beds propping it on the door, "what are you talking about" Minho asked none of the group understanding what he was saying. He ignored them snatching one of the sheets from a bed the group turned to Aris to ask what happened but he was to busy thinking about Violet to listen. "What did you see Tommy" Newt pressed, "its WICKED! its always been WICKED" he said as Newt held him in place. When he registered what happened he let go.

Meanwhile Janson made his way down the hallway to Maze A's room, when he got there he swiped the card as the red light turned green he pushed open the doors. When they didn't budge he signaled his two closest guards to open the door, they brought back the black boulder they had slamming it into the door causing it to open. He stepped in looking around realizing all the kids were gone.

Back to Aris who was crawling through the vents with the other maze boys following closely behind. They finally made it to an empty hallway where he kicked the vent down before climbing down, when all the guys where out Thomas quickly walked back and fourth looking down the hallways to make sure the path was clear. "C'mon lets go we gotta go" he said gesturing to the group to walk forward. "You guys go ahead there's something i have to do" Aris spoke as he peaked around the corner. All the boys moved closer to him "what is it?" Thomas asked, "trust me its important, you guys wanna get out of here right? Just go" he said before heading towards the vents. "Ill go with him" Winston said as he followed Aris into the vents, "ok c'mon lets go" Thomas said as he began to jog towards a corridor.

Aris and Winston quickly made there way to a different hallway, Winston didn't ask where they were going instead he was just following him. When they made it to another dead end with a vent Aris kicked it causing it to fall, he gestured for Winston to follow. He crawled out walking quickly while half crouching , when they made it the a corner Aris stopped before peaking around. There stood Violets door with a guard in front looking straight, he turned back gesturing to Winston there was a guard. Winston nodded when he got the signal, Aris then took a deep breath before approaching quietly. When he got close enough he took the pistol that was strapped to his leg before taking off the safety, by then the guard had spotted him and aimed his weapon at Aris. Aris was quicker, quickly shooting the guard in the chest causing him to fall. He bent down searching for his key card "get his blaster we might need it" he called once he found his key card.

He quickly brought it up swiping it on the scanner as the light flashed green, Aris pushed the door open he was surprised when he found Violet sleeping. He didn't know if it was because she was tired or because she was drugged. He made his way over to her shaking her, she woke up with a jump "Aris" she breathed. "C'mon we have to go" he said smiling helping her up, she quickly zipped up her combat boots he helped her out leading her outside where Winston was keeping guard with the blaster. "C'mon lets go meet the others" Aris said as they began jogging, Janson must've known they'd take her because when he rounded the corner there stood a nurse with a tray of tranquillizers, Janson, and his two body guards.

She smirked "hello Janson" she greeted before slamming him back with all force, she immediately knocked out the one guards with a bat of her eyelashes. She turned to the other guard who was about to shoot when she took his arm bending it behind him and kicking his legs from under him. He fell onto his knees as she brought her knee back knocking him out cold.

The nurse dropped the tray quickly running away, Violet took one of the needles throwing it at the nurse causing her to fall forward. Janson was still alive laughing as he layed in a pool of his own blood, "you sick bastard" she said as she kicked him in the head making him unconscious.

She quickly ran to the body guards bodies on the floor taking the rings off there fingers, then running to Janson to take off his. When she was done she slipped them into her pocket before turning to Aris and Winston. Aris was smirking while Winston was surprised she handed a ring to Aris to wear before running past them towards a large door where hopefully the other boys would be. By now both boys where following me "are we going to talk about what happened back there" Winston called, "i promise ill explain everything later" she said as we were approaching the large metal door. The boys were already there so she quickly took Aris's card sliding it on the scanner, it flashed green before it slowly started to open. When it opened she was met with the Maze A boys.

"Hello boys" she greeted smirking.

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