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"I'm sorry i have to tell you like this, i'm not even sure if you'll hear me" Newt paused as he looked down at the sleeping girl. "I love you too, i didn't know it till now, that pit you feel in your stomach along with all the butterflies" he paused pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry it took so long to tell you, and like a bloody coward i tell you while your sleeping" he whispered. "I'm sorry, if i never see you again" he whispered before leaning down pressing a lingering kiss on her forehead. He slowly got up taking one last look at her before walking out of the tent, "ready?" Frypan asked to which Newt gave a firm nod. They headed to the warehouse where they knew Thomas was heading in a couple minutes. When they got there Frypan got in the drivers seat while Newt looked around for the keys. "Do we even have a plan or are we just following his lead again" Frypan asked from the drivers seat.

 "Do we even have a plan or are we just following his lead again" Frypan asked from the drivers seat

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Violet stirred until she finally awoke, it was still dusk the sun was barely making an appearance. She sat up stretching and for a moment she didn't recall anything, then as if a switch had flicked all the memories kept rushing back. One in particular she tried so hard to remember last night, Newt. He was here, she didn't know what he was saying she was half sleeping the other half struggling to fall asleep. All she felt was Newts hand as he brushed a piece of hair from her face then- the kiss. He had kissed her, granted it was a kiss on the forehead but he kissed her. She thought about it for a moment the kiss, yet she felt nothing it was almost like she was numb of feeling. She didn't feel anything the feelings she once had for Newt were gone, she felt nothing not love, the hope, nothing everything was gone.

Weirdly she liked it, she felt powerful a smirk spread across her face as she made her way out of the sleeping bag and standing up. She dusted herself off before slipping on her black combat boots. Her black cargo pants where now a bit dirty but you could hardly tell unless up close. Since it was getting hotter she took off her hoodie only leaving her in a black tank top and red flannel. She dropped the hood on the ground deciding to leave her hair down, although messy her curls where still intactact. She pushed her hair in front of her shoulders fixing her tank top so her boobs were spilling out before turning and strutting out the tent. (like confidently walking) She stopped looking around realizing there wasn't a person in sight, maybe the boys were still sleeping. She continued walking around going around the tent, eventually she found where the last of the community was, yet still no sight of the boys. She turned heading towards the warehouse where she might find Jorge or Brenda, as she got closer she saw the door was already cracked open. As she got closer she pushed the door open walking in finding a truck no where in sight and a very stressed Jorge and Brenda, "what the hell is going on?" she asked looking between the two. They looked at each other before Jorge turned to the confused girl "the jeep's gone and so is Newt, Thomas, and Frypan" he said cautiously as if waiting for Violet to explode.

She just nodded not getting why it was so important, "there gone Violet, they went to go get Minho back" she blurted. Violet nodded again not following why this was worth her time, "ok why should i care exactly?" she asked slowly looking between the two. Brenda looked taken aback while Jorge looked at her suspiciously, "i don't know maybe because you in love with Newt" she said quickly. Violet laughed throwing her head back, "first off i don't like Newt, and second they got themselves into this" i said in an obvious tone. Brenda gaped at the girls words, she had seen the two before the way Newt was always there for her, and the little moments they shared. Brenda turned to Jorge to see his opinion on this but he still squinted at Violet trying to disypher her whole act. "Is this because of your mom and brother?" Jorge asked slowly, Violet raised an eyebrow at his statement before speaking "no look, she was a doctor working for the right arm. She was bound to die eventually people like her don't get happy endings" she spoke in a bored tone. Jorge picked up a screw driver from the table next to the door picking it up and throwing it to the girl.

She hardly caught it with her hand "what the hell is wrong with you" she spoke angrily throwing the screw driver on the ground. "Your powers what happened to them?" he asked wearily, "there gone, my bodies stupid and can't handle that much energy so they turn off. Think of it as an auto turn off button when my body gets too worked up it turns off along with my powers this rendering me useless. Jorge continued trying to piece together this new information, though it wasn't much he came up with a decent solution that would connect all her behavior problems. "Your emotions, there off somehow you turned them off like a..." he paused squinting his eyes "humanity turn off switch" he muttered the last part quietly. Violet was starting to get bored, she felt this rush inside of her that made her want to go out to the unknown just to possibly kill a couple cranks and WICKED itself. She smirked as she came up with an idea, she lifted her head as Brenda and Jorge caught eye of her devilishly smirk. "I'm going to go find Thomas and offer him a helping hand" she said  excitedly.

 Ok so in case your confused i'm going to explain Violet a little

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Ok so in case your confused i'm going to explain Violet a little.

Violet had a chip in her neck like everyone else, except because of her powers hers has an auto turn off button it turns of her abilities along with her humanity when she over works herself. Essentially it's so she doesn't use to much energy and intimately kills herself.

So i case you where confused Violet can't feel emotions right now so think of it like for example if you've seen TVD when Eliana turns off her humanity.

Hope i cleared some things up, next chapter coming very soon...

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