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After another short drive through rocky land with whoever these people were we arrived to what looked like a camp.

We all got out looking around, the land was basically dead so it's not like you could grow anything, i wonder where they got there rations from.

"You guys are lucky you found us when you did, we'll be gone by first light" said Sonya as she led us down to the camp. "Where's Vince?" Sonya asked to a group of guys. "Vince?" Thomas asked, "he's the one to decide if you get to stay" Harriet responded. So this guy Vince was the leader of this place, interesting. "I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army" Minho spoke from beside me. "Yeah we were, this is all that's left to us" a guy said as he walked over to us with two body guards. He walked over in front of us i was hiding behind Thomas who was in front of me so he didn't spot me. "A lot of good people died to get us this far" he said by the tone i'm guessing he's lost a lot of people to this. "Who are they?" he asked Sonya and Harriet gesturing to us. "There from WICKED caught them climbing the mountains" she responded. "Did you check them?" he asked looking around the group, i heard heavy breathing i turned my head to look next to Newt was Brenda who didn't look to good. "I know this guy Aris, i trust him" Harriet responded pointing out Aris.

"Well i don't, check em" he said as Harriet and Sonya went to stand next to him. "Boss" another guy called when he saw Brenda who was heaving, she took a big gasp of air before collapsing forward. "Brenda" Jorge called as he kneeled down next to her worried. "It's a crank" Vince muttered to Harriet and Sonya. Jorge helped her onto him as he sat behind her "Brenda talk to me" he said as she was wheezing for air. "I'm sorry" was all she kept repeating, "what's wrong with her" Vince asked crouching next to them looking at Brenda. Vince examined her until he noticed a part of her jeans that where ripped, he slowly lifted it up and noticed the crank bite on her upper ankle. "Oh shit" he said as he stumbled back standing up "crank, we've got a crank" he called bringing up his weapon.

As he aimed it we all got up in front of her, "wait" Thomas kept repeating "step back, step back" Vince called. "Listen man listen, this just happened she's not dangerous yet" Thomas called trying to make the man put his gun down. "You shouldn't of brought her here!" he called to the group "i know" Thomas muttered. "We let cranks in here now the save heaven doesn't last a week" he said, save heaven that must be where there heading. "I understand ok, i understand just listen to me please ok please. I told them if they brought us her you could help ok? so is there something you could do" Thomas asked as Brenda got worse on the floor. He though for a minute "yeah there is" he paused before clicking his gun "i can put her out of her misery" at this Jorge screamed "NO!" struggling against the two men that were holding him.

"Vince let her go" said a women who came up behind him walking towards us "let her go" she repeated. "Let them go" she called to the guys that where holding Jorge back. "She's infected Mary" he spoke, Mary why does that name sound so familiar. "There's nothing we can do for her" he said, "no but they can" she said said gesturing to us. I looked at her confused, how can i help last time i tried to help Winston his body rejected my blood. Winston. I missed him. "Hello Thomas, hello Violet" she greeted nodding her head, "do i know you?" i asked confused. She looked hurt for a second, "they didn't send you to the maze i'm surprised they erased your memory" she said walking closer i instinctively took a small step back. "Get these guys some clothes, i need blood from you two" she paused turning over to Brenda "get her on a bed" before she walked away gesturing for us to follow her.

We reluctantly followed her around the camp as she led us to a small tent, "sit" she said gesturing to the bed. We turned to each other before Thomas sat down first. She took out a bag and a needle connected to a small thin straw. She quickly stuck the need in his lower arm and began to get his blood in a bag. After the bag was full it was my turn, "how do you know me?" i asked as she took out another bag and straw with a needle. She turned to Thomas "go find your friends" she said gesturing to the opening of the tent, Thomas turned to me "i'll be okay, go" i said smiling. He nodded before heading out.

After he left i turned back to Mary walking over and sitting on the bed, "so now, how do i know you" i asked rolling up the sleeves of my jackets. I held out my arm for her to stick the needle in. "Long ago i lived with my husband and two children, a boy and a girl. We were happy, until the first wave of flare hit killing off half the population" she paused. "My husband and daughter caught the flare, my husband died my daughter survived barely. At the time WICKED soldiers where looking for kids to take in as test subjects. One day they came barging in and took my daughter, it was a terrible day. Then the next wave hit, and my son caught the flare. He died a couple months later, i though my daughter had died at the WICKED facility. Her name was-" "Violet" i cut her off as she put the bags away. "Yes Violet, your my daughter" she said as she sat in front of me.

"That- that's not possible, my parents died they found me wandering around the streets" i said in disbelief, "Violet you had a family you had a dad and a brother. You and your brother were so close you were always together never a moment you were apart" she said tearing up. "His name was-" "Tyler" i finished, "i've had memories about him" i said as she nodded. "Cmon there's someone you should meet" she said getting up and gesturing me to follow her. I walked behind her following her out of the tent, and towards a group of boys. I looked around seeing most of the boys standing around talking some with themselves some with others from the camp. "Violet, this is Nickolas your step brother" she said gesturing to a boy standing next to her, "Violet" he breathed giving me a bear hug. "You don't know how much i've missed you, last time i saw you we were a lot smaller" he said slowly pulling away. I turned to Mary "i knew him?" i asked confused. "What is she talking about?" Nick asked, "she had her memory wiped" Mary said slowly. "Violet go find your friends" she said rubbing my back which i know was code for go i have to have a private talk.

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