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After Jorge finished interrogating Marcus, and a passed out Thomas who was woken by Theresa joined us we ended up stealing Bertha also known as his large blue truck. It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't so many of us so when seating arrangements came it was very awkward.

Everyone began to get in, i stood back waiting for an open seat but all of them just happen to be taken. "Aren't you getting in?" Aris asked from the back being squished between two boys. If there was more space i could sit on his lap so it wouldn't be weird, "where the hell am i supposed to sit" i asked as i leaned onto a boulder. I looked around deciding who'd be the less awkward or less weirdest. I sighed making my way to the passenger seat climbing up and sitting on Newts lap, this could either go okay or terribly wrong. "Okay.." he said laughing, "oh shut up it was either this or being stuck back there with them" i said pointing to the back.

After we all got settled we were on the road, after a while Newt brought his hands up resting them on my waist which i'm not sure he even noticed. We all looked around as mountains passed by along with dead plants and rumble. I didn't think it'd be this easy i mean you driving to the mountains. I was pretty tired and i knew that taking that stupid alcohol was a bad idea. I set my head back on Newts shoulder closing my eyes trying to sleep. The road was a little bumpy which made Newt tighten his grip on my waist which was sweet. I knew i wouldn't be able to sleep but at the moment i was just trying to rest my eyes.

After driving for a while we drove over a small metal bridge where we had to stop, there were old cars that where stopped in the front that looked to be as if they were set on fire. Newt shook me lightly "we're here, love" he whispered making me give a lazy smile. I don't think he realized what he said as i opened my eyes slowly lifting my head. He unwrapped his arms as everyone began to get out including us. We began to slowly walk forward, i looked around examining for any traps there might be. When we got closer to the cars we began searching through them for anything useful. When i got closer i saw Thomas looking at the windshield of a car that was slightly shattered in the middle. As i got closer i saw the bullet hole "guys.." i called just before they released bullets as us. "Get down" Thomas called "get cover" Newt shouted as he pulled me to his next to him behind a cover. We were all hiding crouching by the cars waiting for there next move.

"Is everyone ok up there?" Thomas called his voice echoing through the mountains, "we're fine" Theresa called. "Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt called looking around. He was still holding my head as we crouched facing away from the cars. "Son of a bitch Marcus led us into an ambush" Jorge said from beside Thomas as he took of his gloved and started getting something from his bag. Thomas peaked his head up looking around before they shot two bullets his way, "dumbass" i muttered warning a laugh from Minho from beside me. "What do we do?" Thomas asked looking over at Jorge. "Here hold this, we gotta create a diversion" he said handing Thomas a bomb, "get ready to throw it" he said as he took out the handle which had the button to go off. He clicked it once which made it go off making a beeping sound which rung across the mountains. "Everybody get ready to sprint back to the truck" Jorge called, Newt held my hand tighter which made me smile. Jorge started whispering something to Thomas which i'm sure was the countdown as we all got ready to run.

"Drop it" someone called from in front of Jorge and Thomas. "Now" she called when she noticed no one move, Thomas cracked causing him to drop the bomb he was holding. "I said drop it" said another voice at this Jorge dropped the handle. I turned to see the two girls that were standing with guns in their hands, one was blonde one was brunette. "On your feet let's go" the brunette called gesturing for them to stand up. Jorge and Thomas slowly stood up, clearly they were inpatient "let's go" called the brunette. "Move, back up" she called again as Thomas and Jorge slowly walked backwards "easy" Jorge said. "You three over here now" the brunette called to us, "cmon up now" she called again. Newt pulled me up slowly "don't be stupid move" she called. I was already getting pissed as Newt slowly dragged me to where Thomas and Jorge were.

Next they called Aris' group, "slowly" the brunette called as Frypan, Aris, and Theresa slowly walked over to us. The brunette did a double take when she saw Aris. "Aris?" she asked confused as her voice rung across the mountains. She pulled her mask that was covering her mouth down "omg Harriet?" he asked walking forward. "Omg" Harriet muttered as she stepped forward wrapping her hands around Aris. "What the hell are you doing here" she said hugging him, this made the blonde take down her mask watching the two. When they pulled away Harriet examined Aris for a second before pulling away "Sonya" he said as the blonde came hugging him. "Aris you lucky we didn't shoot your dumbass" she said hugging him.

Me, Minho, and Newt all looked at each other giving each other a look of what the hell is going on. "Uh what's happening" Minho spoke up, "we were in the maze together" Aris said turning to us. I smiled remembering the stories that Aris used to tell me during lunch about his maze. Harriet whistled towards the mountains "were clear guys come out now" she called fixing the strap on her gun that was hanging on her shoulder. We all looked around as slowly people began to stand up from the mountains.

She walked us through a cave as a big truck covered the entrance "back it up joe" Sonya called. As the gun began to move the truck opening the passage to what looked like a parking land. There were a bunch of trucks scattered with guys either in them or sitting on them. "We're taking them to base" Sonya said as we walked by a few guys. I was still holding Newts hand, i wasn't necessarily worried about me more about him. "Wait so how did you guys get here?" Aris asked clearly confused. "The right arm got us out" Harriet said as we approached a couple trucks. "The right arm, do you know who they are?" he asked as Harriet opened a door to a truck. "Hop in" she said nodding her head to the door of a truck.

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