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Violet woke up early the next day it was around 3 maybe 4 she wasn't sure it's not like she had a watch but there'd be some time before the sun came up, for a moment she only laid there staring at the stars. She'd never been outside, it was a shame she was out under these circumstances.

When she finally sat up she noticed two other boys up they were not that far across the campfire. It was the brown hair brown eyed boy, and the blonde hair brown eyed boy. If she knew them she'd think there cute she liked the blonde better though. She heard there whispering though they were pretty far she could still hear them, "i don't know if we can trust them" spoke the blonde. Violet sighed getting up and picking up her sweater she laid on, turning to the guys who were now looking at her she spoke "what exactly don't you trust about us, what are your 'suspicions' on us please do tell" she said walking over to them.

They looked at each other almost debating whether to bring it up or not as she sat down in the middle of them. "What did you do at WICKED?" the brown haired boy asked, "first your names, i wanna know who i'm talking to" she spoke said looking at the brown haired boy. "Im Thomas thats Newt" he said pointing at himself then the blonde, she hummed nodding. "Like i said i was a test subject" she paused standing up, "look don't freak out ok?" she asked before taking my shirt off, she had a white undershirt with built in padding under. "I was trained and when i wouldn't obligate- well let's just say they have very short patience" she said doing a very slow spin. She had pairs of dark red dots everywhere from getting tazed, most were healed though she did have a couple new ones. She put her shirt back on before sitting down "i don't remember anything, they told me i had blacked out and forgotten everything but i knew it wasn't true" i paused looking at the fire. I had only ever shared this story once with Aris and i hated talking about it.

"I didn't get sent to the Maze, they said i was to valuable. I spent my time in my room only going out for mealtimes" she said looking down at the marks on her wrist from resisting the cuffs. "Why were you in handcuffs?" Thomas asked, "they know i could kill all of them in seconds, the cuffs are made of this metal that deflects my powers. Same thing-" she stopped pointing at Thomas's ring "is made of" she finished.

"How'd you get them? your powers?" Newt asked, "i'm not really sure, all i've been told is i got the flare and they brought me back to WICKED labs, they used this test serum that can turn anyone back to normal no matter what stage but of course it was an experiment still is" she paused looking down. "I got my memory erased as well, thrown into a white room with nothing but a bed and was given tranquilizers every morning" "what are tranquilizers, like injections?" Thomas asked.

She laughed humorlessly, "no they gave me pills that would weaken me so i couldn't fight back, normal i'd either spit them out or throw them back up, i've been doing that for the last week or so since i've met Aris" i paused looking back up "i've been told my family died from terrible deaths so my hope to escape was lost, till i met Aris" she continued. "Okay this is getting to depressing, we should wake the others we need to start walking soon" with that she got up making her way to where Aris and her bag lay.

She kneeled down in front of Aris "Aris" she whispered shaking him, "you gotta make up, we're leaving in a few" she whispered trying to wake him up. He woke up quickly sitting up, "hey, hey it's ok, it's just me" she spoke softly trying not to scare him. "oh Violet you scared me" he said rubbing his eyes. "C'mon you should get a drink we're leaving soon" she said reaching over to get the backpack next to Aris. She zipped it open pulling out a water, she opened the top handing it to Aris. He took a gulp before handing it back to me, i waterfalled a gulp before closing it and putting it back in the bag.

After a while most people started to wake up, slowly people began to get up sitting up watching the fire burn down. The moon was going down but it didn't seem to get brighter. More minutes passed but as the group drank and ate a small part of there rations. As more time passed by the sky remained dark. Suddenly Violets mood changed, the air was no longer humid and hot, now it was hot humid and staticky.

She got up looking around the moon was far gone by now but dark clouds clouded the sky making it seem dark. Shit. Violet kneeled down quickly packing her rations "guys we have to go. Now! she yelled. "What why" Minho asked, as if on cue the sky began rumbling. "Just a little rain" frypan spoke, "that's the thing, it's not just a little rain" she said quickly helping Aris up. Everyone began to quickly pack as the sky began rumbling louder without rain. "We have to find shelter this isn't a normal storm" Violet yelled over the loud noise.

When they were all packed up they began quickly moving, "what is it" Thomas yelled over the rumbling. "It's a lighting storm!" she yelled, "we have to look for a building nearby" Violet yelled scanning the area. By the looks of it there was desert for miles, though there were hills up ahead maybe there was shelter beyond that. "Ok um we have to head for those hills up ahead, check if there's shelter if not i might be able to shelter you guys but it will drain me. Our best bet is those mountains!" Violet frantically yelled. By this point they were running, well more like jogging the lightning still hasn't started meaning they had a little bit of time. We were half way up the sand dunes and looking around it looked like the sand was on top of the shelter. There were collapsed buildings most very hidden with sand.

"We're almost there!" i called, the largest building was still far away and just when i thought it was bad it had started thundering with lightning striking. It was hitting everywhere around us which made me anxious, i knew i could withstand it but im not sure the other Maze could. I was running next to Newt on one side and Aris on the other we were the ones mostly behind other than Minho. Our luck was tainted when Newt was about to get him, we were so close the group in front of us was just feet away. When a large lightning bolt fell down, i hadn't seen it no one had only Minho. He pushed Newt into me and Aris, when i looked up it was just about to hit all of us i looked back at the group who was still running i pushed them all sparks glowing red around them till they were in the opening of the building. I fell onto my knees letting my hands to my side my palms facing forward causing a shield around us. It was large, i'd never used so much energy at a time which made my arms burn. I grunted feeling like my arms were on fire, another lightning bolt hit. By this time Newt and Aris had realized they were safe, "on the count of three run!" i yelled. "One!" i was breathing heavily "two!" and minute my shield would fall, "three!" it fell with a glitch as the two boys bolted. I stayed on my knees trying to catch my breath, i looked up hearing the loud booming. Another large lightning bolt, i brought my hands up creating another smaller shield with a yell. 

 After what felt like forever i got up and bolted to the opening of the building, my legs hurt i felt like i could pass out any minute. I was dizzy the closer i got to the opening, once i reached there Aris hugged me tightly as i stumbled in front of him. When he pulled away he was smiling "you scared me" he said pulling away.  I smiled but it faltered when i felt dizzy "Aris" i breathed as i collapsed in his arms, i still felt the static in the air but i couldn't hear anything it was as if i was under water and everything was drowned out. I felt Aris shake me trying to wake me up but i couldn't i was taken to a place of coldness and darkness.

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