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-Very Valuable-

It was getting late, the sun was beginning to fall. The sky was turning an orange and yellow hue as we got closer to what looked like a worn down factory building. There was broken down rubble around it that had fallen from the larger building. I heard a rumble, i looked around but didn't see anything. "Keep your eyes open" i called as we approached the larger building. Just then a loud screeching noise sounded behind us, we all stopped and turned. There was something moving in the shadows of the debris. "What is that?" Minho asked, i looked to where he was looking there was something moving behind a big boulder.

With a flick of my hand the boulder was thrown and it revealed a group of cranks. "Run!" i yelled as the group turned around and ran for the double doors. At the sound of my voice the cranks screeched running forward. I looked around spotting where the boulder landed, i flicked my hand bringing the boulder over the cranks killing them before i turned and bolted for the double doors. When we were all inside i shut them close, i turned around to see everything was dark. There was no moonlight meaning there were no windows. Suddenly a dim light flicked on only lighting a small part in front of us. There came a screeching and metal chains dangling, we all turned looking around. There were cranks in chains jumping at us, everyone else jumped but i stayed put.

"I see you've met our guard dogs" a women steeped out of the shadows in front of us. "Who are you?" Thomas asked, the girl locked eyes with me, "Jorge saw you guys, he's interested in you" she said while still looking at me.  She began to walk away, she turned around "aren't you coming?" she asked. We all looked around at each other deciding whether or not to trust her. "Let's just listen to what they have to say" Thomas whispered, i know it was a bad idea but somehow we all followed her.

She led us into a larger room where there stood a man and a group of men. When they saw us they broke apart splitting into the room. We walked forward, me beside Aris and Newt, the man just looked around staying quiet for a moment. "You ever get the feeling the whole worlds against you" he said, i looked between Aris and Newt before looking back at him. "Three questions" he began pushing himself off the desk he was leaning on and walking towards us. "Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can i profit" he asked taking a glass of the desk. "Don't all answer at once" he said while pouring what i assumed was bourbon in a cup. "We're here for the mountains, looking for the right arm" said Thomas which earned a few laughs from the guys. "You're looking for ghosts you mean" he said taking a sip of his cup.

"Question number two, where did you come from?" he asked stepping forwards. "That's our business" Minho said from beside Thomas. The man nodded which made his guys all take ahold of us "get the hell of me!" i yelled as i was grabbed and forced my head on a table. I heard Thomas struggling from beside me yelling things "shut up you big baby" the girl from before said. I heard a device ring, it was the same one WICKED used on me. "You were right" she said looking up at the man. He put on his glasses and took the device from her hand examining the screen which probably flashed with information. He laughed a humorless laugh as his guys let us go, "i'm sorry hermano your tagged" he said before locking eyes with me. Something seemed to click "hold her" he said as two of his guys held my hand. "Let go of me assholes" i yelled trying to break free, he handed the device to the girl as she made her way over to me. She yanked my hair out of the way "you bitch" i muttered as she scanned the back of my neck. The device made a noise before it stopped, she pulled it away letting go of my hair. She scoffed bringing it over to the man again as he read it. He looked up at me smirking, "looks like your tagged, you came from WICKED" he paused pointing the device at Thomas.

"Which means, your very valuable" he finished looking around at us.

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