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After there plan was set in motion and everyone was ready they headed to the last city, Gally had said it was easy to get into the building now that they had Theresa and Violet was hoping he was right.

Once the group had gotten in they split up into 4 groups, one group was her and brenda to get the bus to evacuate as much kids as possible, group 2 was Thomas and Newt rescuing Minho, group 3 was Gally and he was going to keep watch and keep as eyes on the compound, lastly was Jorge. He was going to get a burg to hopefully if the plan goes good fly out to the shore where the boat would be waiting to take the last group to the save heaven.

As they got closer everyone turned on there walkie talkies, Violet looked around nodding as everyone else nodded signaling they were ready. "Don't die" she said as the groups began to split up, before she left she turned and grabbed Newts hand. "Look i know i can't feel shit and it's driving me insane but just don't die ok? I've lost enough people" Newt looked at her not knowing how to respond. "Newt promise me you won't die" she said again more stern. He held up his pink which she quickly took "now go and don't screw up" she called as she went towards Brenda.

"Ready" Brenda asked to which Violet nodded, they walked towards an old building that past that led to an open street. They heard static come through the walkie talkie, as both girls crept hiding beside the building looking around for any people. Then Gally's voice came though the walkie talkie "sector G clear" it was slightly muffled which Violet guessed was because he had a helmet on. Violet and Brenda walked spotting the next check point at the end of the street, they looked at each other before Violet nodded.

Both girl walked closer by the buildings slowly walking towards the crowd that was forming into lines to get checked. Brenda grabbed Violet by her jacket sleeve so they wouldn't get separated, as they got closer Violet quickly ruffled her hair as some got in her face to sheild her from the guards up front. She held her breath as they got closer, she looked over to Brenda who looked equally as scared. Violet quickly turned her walkie talkie down as well as Brenda, and soon it was there turn to get checked.

Brenda went first as the guard brought up a small white machine over her forehead, it did a beep as the screen glowed up green. Brenda sighed as she walked past slowly so Violet could catch up. Violet walked up nervous as the guard didn't acknowledge her just simply brought the machine up to her face. When it beeped she quickly walked away, they were walking down the main road and up ahead she could see the WCKED building far away.

Violet looked up to see a screen flash with a picture of Thomas and all his information with the caption "WANTED" next was a picture of herself. She stood with handcuffs and had a cut on her eyebrows that was still bleeding in the picture. She was smirking looking at the camera, Violet still remembers when they took this a while ago. She was still getting used to everything and before this picture she had almost killed 3 guards. After that situation they put her on tranquilizers.

Violet looked back down as they quickly walked turning to the right down a small alley, she looked back up looking around. Brenda signaled her to keep moving so she did, she kept walking looking around for anyone nearby. When coast was clear they made another turn into an abandoned road with cars that looked to be all broken down with windows smashed.

They slowly crept as they got closer to a large building that looked like it used to be a bank, they stood flat against the white wall looking around there breathing heavy. "Cmon" Brenda whispered as she head behind the large building where the bus should be, and sure enough it was. It had some smashed windows but definitely could still work. They quickly ran to it as Brenda ran to the hood and Violet ran inside, after prying the doors open she carefully walked in looking inside for any unfriendly visitors. When she didn't see anything she quickly knelt down under the steering wheel where all the wires where. Some where already cut or stretched which made this harder but not impossible.

She quickly got a dagger from her strap on her thigh quickly stripping the wires. Once they were stripped she held the dagger between her teeth careful not to cut her lip before connecting the ones that were broke twisting them together. After she was done she grabbed the two wires that would hopefully if Brenda did her job would start up the bus. She waited for Brenda, after a couple minutes Brenda closed the hood giving a thumbs up, Violet bent down connecting the wires as a spark flew from them before the ignition turned on.

Violet laughed as she felt proud Brenda quickly ran to her running up the steps Violet stood back "tada" she said Brenda laughed as she looked amazed, they really did it. "Cmon let's get this show on the road" Brenda said as she hopped into the drivers seat. She closed the door with the handle next to the steering wheel before putting it in drive. Violet sat back amused as she looked around the bus, all they needed now was for Thomas not to screw up the plan.

Brenda quickly drove over to behind the building to where they were supposed to wait, Violet looked around as they got closer before they heard shots go off. Violet quickly got up looking around when she noticed the group of guards standing by a black van. Violet quickly took out her piston bringing it up and breaking the window infront of her. She shielded her face as the glass flew up, she quickly looked around before aiming. From a distance it probably looked like she was missing but in reality she was trying to hit the gas tank. She finally shot it and at first nothing happened as the guards kept shooting. When the gas finished leaving it reached the building next to it which was on fire causing not only the van to explode but also the guards to catch on fire.

Violet turned back finally pleased as Brenda watched in the rear view mirror.

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