[ BEN ]

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I have headcanons for the nasty green haired manipulator too lmao
If you guys don't understand, this is about the other entity, or "canon BEN" from the ARG by Alex Hall. If you're confused, go watch an analysis video to better understand.

» BEN was created by the "Moon Children" as as a result of a messed up ascension. A bunch of souls had been ascended all at once and, not having anywhere else to go, they became one and from an entity - BEN, or Behavioral Event Network. The remaining people working at Methods were wondering if they could use it as a sort of AI-like creature that could think and act like a living human, or if because it was made up of multiple souls it would be even more efficient than an AI. BEN was extremely smart and could communicate in an understandable manner, but it's personality was twisted. It was obsessed with watching people suffer, both physically and psychologically. No one knew how this had happened, it was suspected that something in the cartridge or ascension process had made it become corrupt, henceforth altering its personality, but the real reason is unknown. BEN is an extremely twisted entity that should be avoided at all costs.

» It's stuck inside of the Majora's Mask cartridge along with all the other souls that were digitized and sealed away within. If it ever were to escape, it would undoubtably manipulate its way into mass murder and other horrible acts.

» BEN has possessed other people inside of the cartridge before, including Ben. Ben still has nightmares about the horrible things it did while it was inside of his mind.

» As powerful as BEN is, Ben still has abilities that BEN doesn't have. Before he was to be "ascended," Ben wanted to be a hero in his new world. The people at methods were able to give him superpowers of sorts after he died that were to be used in his "perfect world." Powers that included pyrokenisis, or the ability to move/create fire from your hands.
Remember that headcanon that I just typed out about BEN possessing others? You do?

Alright... now remember in day four.wmv when Link kept bursting into flames?


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