[ Ben ]

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» Ben's personality tends to be... well, all over the place. Normally, he acts like the childish 12 year old he died as (especially when he's around friends), but in serious situations he can act very mature, like the fully grown adult he would've been had he not drowned. The tends to surprise some of the other pastas, especially those who aren't too close to him friendship wise.

» Ben was drowned by The Moon Children (specifically the Father) in an indoor pool that one of the cult members was able to get them in to in order to do the "ascension ritual." Because of this, he's highly allergic to chlorine and his skin breaks out into a painful burn-like rash any time it comes in contact with the chemical. His allergies also start to act up if he steps into a room that was freshly cleaned using chlorine-containing products.

» He didn't have a lot of good adult figures to look up to when he was alive, so he looked up to Link, the fictional character from The Legend of Zelda. He thought of him as his hero and wanted to be just like him when he grew up.

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