[ Incorrect Quotes ]

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Yo so uh...

This book suddenly became semi-popular (dunno how but it did-)

I'm working on a bunch of other projects right now so I don't really have the time to update this one

But to make up for my lack of posting, here are a collection of incorrect quotes that I think fit my headcannon versions of the pastas. Enjoy!

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Silver: Be careful about succumbing to these sorts of destructive... urges. Addiction can become a powerful thing.
Kagekao: So am I. Bow down before your new supreme overlord, bitches.

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X-Virus: What kind of tea is this?
Kagekao: Boiled Gatorade.

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Jeff: *makes Ben a cup of tea but puts salt in it*
Ben: *sips tea*
Ben: *finishes tea*
Jeff: Didn't it taste bad?
Ben: Yeah, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I drank it all.
Jeff, tearing up: Oh, okay-

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

X-Virus: I love you.
Kagekao, not paying attention: What was that?
X-Virus: I said I'm selling you to the zOo-

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Ann: Maybe the true treasure was friendship all along.
Ann: But I hope not because I can't spend friendship on new clothes.

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Toby: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
X-Virus: Well that would suck because you can't microwave metal.
Clockwork: Good morning to everyone except these two people.

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Nina: I drink to forget but I always remember.
Clockwork: You're drinking orange juice.

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Jeff: Ben taught me to think before I act.
Jeff: ...So if I smack the shit out of you, rest assured that I thought about it and am confident in my decision.

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LJ: I'm bored.
Jeff: Wanna commit first degree murder?
LJ: Sure!
Silver, overhearing them: No- stop, don't do that! Put the knife down! Put X-Vi down!!

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Jeff: Where are your parents?
Ben: What are parents?
Jeff: That's just about the saddest thing I've ever heard get said.

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Kagekao: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.

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Ben: A mosquito tried to bite me and so I slapped it and killed it.
Ben: And then I started thinking.
Ben: Like, it was just trying to get food.
Ben: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?
Jeff: Are you okay?

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