[ Kagekao ] II

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» Kage loves to play matchmaker in the Under Realm. He found out that Nina had a crush on a certain girl with a clock for a eye and immediately went to work trying to get them together. They eventually did and Kage couldn't be more proud of himself, despite the fact that it was just them reciprocating their feelings for one another and not necessarily anything that he had done.

» He can speak perfect English, but a lot of the time he only speaks in Japanese just to annoy some people

» Kage refuses to leave the house without one of his scarves. The issue with this is that because he has so many, he has a hard time deciding what one to wear and will often spend at least 20 minutes trying on all of his scarves to see which one he feels like wearing that day.

(Credit to sanriosratz for this headcanon!)
» This dude is like a cat. He has claws, he climbs trees, he will fall asleep anywhere in the weirdest positions, and he will knock things off of the counter if he wants to because he can.

Also he purrs whenever he's really happy.

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