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*crawls out of the void like a spider*

Here, an update for you.

*crawls back into the void*


» Toby has accidentally started a forest fire in the Over Realm so many times it's not even funny anymore.

» Nina makes a Kandi bracelet any time she notices someone feeling particularly sad or down and gives it to them.

» Ben is everybody's go-to person whenever they need to talk about something. He's a good listener and a master at keeping secrets. Maybe the real reason no one messes with him is because of all the potential blackmail he has on everybody.

» LJ has mixed feelings about Christmas. He likes that it falls on the same day as his birthday, but doesn't like how people automatically assume Christmas is his favorite holiday because of this (his real favorite (like the majority of the pastas) is Halloween).

» Sally's bed is somehow always perfectly made. Even when she goes to sleep, her bed sheets and all the blankets are still on the bed, semi-neat. This baffles some of the pastas.

» Kagekao was once banned from the House for a month because he decided to play "What's New Pussycat?" on the living room's speakers 21 times in a row. They destroyed the speaker after 11 plays of the song and Kage claims the looks on everyone's faces throughout the whole thing was worth it.
(If anyone gets the thing this is referencing you pass the vibe check-)

» Sally isn't as innocent as everyone thinks - being a spirit who's been around for over 50 years, she's seen and heard several things in her afterlife. It always surprises the others whenever she curses due to her being stuck in an 8 year old's body, but it's not uncommon. In other words, no one really needs to censor themselves around Sally.

» While we're on the subject of Sally, she isn't much of a "pure bby who needs to be protected" no, she is an incredibly tough kid. Unlike Ben, she actually remembers what her life alive was like and because of this absolutely despises adults. She doesn't just avoid them though, oh no - she full on attacks them. In fact, the only people that she kills are adults, especially men. She's super hostile to anyone she doesn't know and it usually takes a while for her to decide wether or not she can trust someone and warm up to them. It took her a very long time to get comfortable around the pastas who identify as guys, or at least to the point where she didn't want to charge them with a knife every time she saw them.
In other words, don't let her cute appearance fool you - she's incredibly dangerous and knows a lot more than she lets on.
(Think Number Five from The Umbrella Academy)

» X-Virus is a master at creating all sorts of injectable substances. From poisons to antidotes to tranquilizers, if it can be poured into a needle, he can make it.

» Anytime the opportunity to do so arises, Jeff will absolutely kick a door in. Anytime they go on missions, he gets disappointed when a door is unlocked or when they have to stealthily find a way to unlock it, he wants to kick one in that badly.

» The missions Slender will send the pastas on aren't all actually murder-type missions. Yes, there are times where Slender will ask one or multiple of those in his alliance to kill a specific target, but sometimes he'll send them to find a supposedly cursed object, destroy any evidence that any humans have of finding out about their world, even scouting out locations to see if they would be a good area to hide from police and such.

» Jeff has killed with all kinds of knives, from steak knives to butter knives. His favorite type to use would have to be butcher's knives, but he can work with any.

» EJ is a lot more animalistic than human, but he still remembers everything he learned from Med school. Because of this, at first Jeff was hesitant to let him treat his wounds, but once he came to terms with the fact that he actually knew what to do unlike Jeff, he let him. EJ is very good at his job, too.

» (Just gonna- *posts a headcanon related to a video game I've been obsessing over*)
Jeff is ABSOLUTELY a simp for Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil. I mean, come on, you can't tell me that if this man saw this 9 foot tall vampire lady who lives in a castle AND has Freddy Krueger claws AND has a thing for murder, he WOULDN'T be down bad? No. He's like,,, Markiplier level of simp for her. It makes the days when Nina used to obsess over Jeff look normal.

» X-Virus had an edgy Vocaloid phase.

» Toby and X-Vi are like brothers. Virus acts like he can't stand him but he actually really cares about him.

» BEN is fluent in just about every language known to man. This only makes them that much more terrifying because it can attack anyone around the globe were it to go free from their cartridge.

» Clockwork is like that one female character all the baby lesbians/bi/pan folk saw in cartoons as a kid and thought "Woah, she's really pretty"
*years later*
"...Am I gay?"

» Kagekao flirts with X-Virus CONSTANTLY. He does it so often to cover up the fact that he's madly in love with him and knows that he'll never like him back, so he masks it as "fake" flirting.
(Idk if I've mentioned it in this book yet but I ship them! I think they're really cute ( >ω< ))

» A lot of Ben's comfort movies are Studio Ghibli films. Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away are his favorites.

» Meanwhile Jeff's idea of comfort films are Bride of Chucky and the entire Friday the 13th series.

» Jeff makes Ben watch horror movies with him sometimes. Ben is a bit reluctant to do so but he does it anyway ONLY if Jeff will watch a movie he likes (Studio Ghibli, Disney, etc.) with him later on in the week. Jeff, of course, loathes this.

» Puppeteer was a huge theatre kid when he was alive. He hums songs from his favorite musicals every time he's doing something like walking or cooking. His all-time favorites will forever be Phantom of the Opera and Cats.
But not the live action one, the original Broadway one.

» Jeff is allergic to bees. This only feeds into his hatred for insects and bugs.

» Jane has a black cat that she named Mr. Midnight after Fran Bow.

» Silver has a speaker in their room that they use to play stuff constantly. It's usually music, but at night it's stuff like rain sounds or forest ambiance to help them sleep.

» Almost everything that Jeff owns is stolen from the Over Realm. The only time he actually pays for stuff is if there's too many people around to witness or if it's something for Ben because he knows Ben wouldn't want him "stealing something from someone else just to make him happy"

» Toby likes to go up to the Over Realm when it's storming out and lay in the rain. He finds it relaxing.

» Jason LOVES using bath bombs, salts, and other similar products. He'll occasionally treat himself to a whole mini spa day, complete with a manicure and the usage of multiple peel-off face masks.

» Every year, Kage buys a BUNCH of those candy pumpkins that're like Candy Corn but not and hoards them in his pantry. They're one of his favorite things about Fall.

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