[ Dark Link ]

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» Dark Link is the only being in both the Under Realm and the Over Realm to have the ability to travel to other dimensions. Well, more like dimension - he can only travel to one. And that dimension is Hyrule, the world that The Legend of Zelda games take place in. Granted, there are multiple variations of Hyrule because timelines and all the complexity, but to him they all "basically have the same plot and areas," so he refers to it as one dimension. He hops from Hyrule to the Under Realm very frequently, staying in one of them for about a month or two before travelling to the other and staying for the same amount of time. This is how he's able to work for both Zalgo and Ganondorf. Only three people know about this power of his - Zalgo, Glitchy Red, and Ganon.
(I kinda did this because I know Dark isn't technically a Creepypasta, but a lot of Creepypasta fans incorporate him into the CrP universe so I figured 'why not,' y'know? Plus I think this is a neat concept if I do say so myself - yes, I'm proud of my own headcanon, fight me ('̀-'́))

» Despite being bisexual, he's that person who constantly yells "That's gay!" As a form of insult.

» He's extremely skilled in battle, especially with a sword. I mean, he didn't spend all that time in those variations of Hyrule for no reason. This skill, however, leads to him being very arrogant and cocky, making him pretty unpleasant to be around.

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