« The difference between Ben and BEN »

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Since a lot of people are hella confused I shall explain (this is a mixture of both canon and headcanon information, I will state which is which)

Ben is Benjamin Lawman, a 12 year old boy who drowned due to an unfortunate incident where he trusted the wrong group of people.

These people were a science corporation that were working on something called "The Eternity Project." The goal of the Eternity Project was to preserve a human consciousness after death in a sort of artificial universe, or "heaven" that they could forever live in once their body ceased to exist. The leader of this corporation, Kelbris (also known as "The Father") first began posing as a cult in order to lure in new members, or rather test subjects.

Ben was not only one of the unfortunate people who fell for it, but he was the first person that they tested it on. They tricked him into believing that he would be able to live like his childhood hero from his favorite video game - Link from The Legend of Zelda - if he joined them. They killed him (drowned him obviously) and his soul was imprisoned in the Eledgy of Emptiness statue, where he wasn't allowed to communicate and was used by BEN to gain Jadusable and other people's trust. He was turned into a mindless puppet, stuck forever in purgatory where he could only watch as those around him were tormented and manipulated to death.

BEN is short for Behavioral Event Network. It is an entity made up of multiple souls that were a part of The Eternity Project, also known as a hive mind. It is the mastermind behind the horrific events that are seen throughout the beginning of the Creepypasta's videos, from the music being played backwards to the cleverbot conversations to Jadusable's eventual death and absorption into the cartridge. It is extremely violent and a master manipulator, it will stop at nothing to achieve its goal, which is to escape the Majora's Mask cartridge for good. It is unpredictable and a huge threat.

To put it simply, BEN is the terrifying green-haired motherfucker who's pulling the strings behind most of the operation.

- The bloody-eyed "fanon" Ben is Benjamin Lawman, who successfully escaped from the cartridge and now exists in the real world.

- As stated before, Ben managed to escape from his eternal purgatory and is now surviving in the world outside of the cartridge. BEN is still trapped inside of the cartridge, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike and get both its freedom and its revenge on Ben for leaving.

- Ben has blood constantly streaming out of his eyes because before being drowned, the scientists gouged his eyes out as part of the ascension process, to "open the windows to his soul."

- BEN used Ben's powers to do many awful things, like twisting Link's spine around and burning Link alive right in front of him. It put Ben through hell and back again for no other purpose other than its own entertainment.

- Ben was trapped inside of the cartridge for eight years but was accidentally freed by Jadusable. (In the canon story it's originally BEN who is freed but in my head this is an almost AU sort of thing where Ben gets out and is able to encounter the other creepypastas. This also takes place before the story picked up again in 2020)

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