« Among Us »

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Lol yes I'm doing this

» Red w/ Devil Horns
» Has way to much fun being the Imposter
» Is scary good at being the Imposter
» Vents all the time
» D E S P I S E S the card swipe task, but likes the trash chute one for some reason
» Always accuses whoever reported the body of self reporting wether he's the Imposter or not

» Lime Green w/ Leaf Hat
» Hates being the Imposter because it's anxiety inducing
» Not the best Imposter, but not too bad either - he does better when there's more than one Imposter
» Only kills when the lights are out because it's easier
» Likes the watering plants task
» Has a mini crewmate who he's proudly named "Bentley" (Also says "Don't ever talk to me or my son again" a l l t h e t i m e because of this)

» Lime Green w/ Plague Mask
» Likes being the Imposter
» Almost always wins as an Imposter - like, how???
» Master at doing stack kills
» Favorite task is fixing the wires
» He's that one person that calls an emergency meeting and claims he saw [insert person here] vent even though he didn't actually see anything - he still does this even when he's not an Imposter, he just likes stirring up conflict

» Dark Green w/ Bandana
» Has love/hate feelings about being the Imposter - it's fun, but also stressful in his eyes
» He's an alright Imposter
» Usually does something dumb that gets him caught as Imposter either immediately or halfway through the game, like accidentally killing right in front of someone or venting just as another person is walking by
» Likes the clearing O2 filter task
» "Sus" "You're acting sus" "That's pretty sus..." "[insert character here] is kinda sus you guys"

» Same costume as Liu
» Loooves being the Imposter
» Pretty good at being the Imposter - better than Liu, anyway
» Always always always tries to kill Jeff first if he's the Imposter
» Likes the keypad tasks
» Somehow damn near impossible to kill when he's not an Imposter

Laughing Jack
» Black w/ Party Hat
» Really likes being the Imposter
» But he's not very good at lying about his whereabouts, so he's not the greatest Imposter
» He's very good at getting people to follow him tho
» Likes the forming crystal/stacking crystal task
» He's that one Imposter who's somehow already killed 3 or 4 crewmates before the first body can be reported and has people like "...ಠ_ಠ"

Eyeless Jack
» Dark Blue w/ Goggles
» Hates being the Imposter because of how anxiety/stress-inducing it is
» But is surprisingly good at being an Imposter
» Gets people to trust him and then backstabs them at the last second
» Likes the navigation task
» It took f o r e v e r to explain the game to him and it took him a while to get the hang of it ("Wait, how do you know who the Imposter is?" "That's the point, EJ, you have to guess." "Based on what?" "Just- play and you'll see, alright?" "Very funny." "...I- You know what I mean!")
» Also he has a Bedcrab named "Seed Jr.," named after his IRL pet Seedeater

» Brown w/ Bird Nest
» Not a big fan of being the Imposter
» He's not bad at being an Imposter tho
» Usually waits for the other Imposter to make a move first before doing anything - if it's just him, he usually takes a good 3 to 4 minutes to actually start doing stuff
» Likes the refuelling task
» He's usually one of the first crewmates to get killed off :(

» Dark Green w/ Fez Cap
» Likes being the Imposter but also kinda hates it
» But she's really really good at being the Imposter
» Always locks the doors and traps em in there
» Likes the downloading files task
» Straight up refuses to kill anyone who has a mini crewmate or pet

» Black w/ Black Belt
» Wants to be the Imposter every round
» He's freakishly good at it too
» Sabotage Sabotage Sabotage S a b o t a g e
» Likes the buy yourself a drink task
» Will cuss everyone out in Japanese if he's discovered as an Imposter and ejected

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