« Ship Headcanons »

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Happy Valentine's Day! <3

The following ships that will be in this chapter are:

Eyeless Jack x Lost Silver

Liu x Nurse Ann

LJ x Jason x Candy Pop

X-Virus x Kagekao

If you don't like any of those ships or if they make you uncomfortable in any way, feel free to skip this chapter <3


EJ x Silver
» They love cuddling on the couch together. They have a very dramatic difference in size (especially when Silver isn't wearing their prosthetics) so Silver is always the little spoon. EJ will hug them close in his lap or on his chest and they have fallen asleep in those positions before.

» EJ doesn't have eyes and Silver doesn't have limbs, so whenever they go out together EJ acts as Silver's arms and legs while Silver acts as EJ's eyes.

» They started as friends but eventually became lovers after Silver finally came to terms with their feelings. EJ made the first move by giving Silver a human heart as a romantic gesture.

» EJ loves playing with Silver's hair. It isn't very long, but it is super fluffy and EJ just likes running his fingers through it while Silver is working on their computer or while they're watching a movie.

» Silver is an ass 90% of the time but only lets their guard down around EJ.
Their ship dynamic is literally just:

» While Silver prefers spending their time indoors on the computer, EJ likes going outside and interacting with the various creatures of the Under Realm

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» While Silver prefers spending their time indoors on the computer, EJ likes going outside and interacting with the various creatures of the Under Realm. Occasionally Silver will join EJ because they're "bored" or "their laptop battery is almost dead" and it becomes much more enjoyable for both of them. EJ will introduce Silver to some of his favorite animals and parts of the forest and overall they have a very wholesome time.

» Silver helps Jeff and Ben take care of Kimber (Kimber = Seedeater - Instead of just calling her "Seed" I decided to give her an actual name in my au!) while EJ is away. They say it's because they "don't trust them enough to do it by themselves," but Jeff and Ben know it's because Silver wants an excuse to think about EJ while he's gone.

» They watch anime together. Their favorites are Death Note, Black Butler and Angels of Death. They also really like watching Disney movies like Brave and Beauty and the Beast but shhh you didn't hear that from me-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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