[ Jeff ] III

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Idk why I'm suddenly in the mood to make and publish Jeff headcanons during art class but here you go-

» Before becoming a killer, Jeff wanted to be a musician when he grew up. He knows how to play guitar and is actually really freaking good at it. He used to be able to sing too, but that ability gradually died over time (he doesn't sound bad with certain songs though).

» He and Ben are best friends. When they first met, Jeff hated him simply because he couldn't kill him (he'd tried, but stabbing a ghost doesn't exactly get you anywhere) and because he kept popping up wherever he went (he was on the run from the cops at the time), but eventually Jeff warmed up to him and now they're as close as siblings.
(Platonic ships are valid, pass it on)

» Jeff isn't a stupid person, but if you were to tell him to do something for the sake of a dare he will definitely do it. Without hesitation. He's broken several bones and gained a vast number of new scars because of this.

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