[ Ben ] II

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» He was left mute for a year and a half due to an incident involving Dark Link while on a mission. He had already taught himself sign language in the past out of fascination and sheer boredom, but after the incident he actually had to use it in order to communicate with people.

» He likes experimenting with clothes and seeing what looks good, what feels good, etc. He especially enjoys wearing skirts, but is too scared to wear them out in the Over Realm due to not wanting to be judged.

» After dying, Ben lost any and all memories he had regarding his past when he was alive. Sometimes when he's doing or witnessing something, he'll suddenly get a glimpse of a memory, but that's it. Occasionally, he'll remember something very important or impactful from his life and gets a whole flashback about it, but none of those flashbacks are 'good' or 'happy,' so he doesn't tell anyone about them.

» (Kinda going off what the previous headcanon says) When I say Ben lost his memories, I mean all of his memories. He could remember how to walk, how to talk, and how to breathe, but that was it. He couldn't even remember his name at first. Because of this memory loss, he forgot about a lot of things in life that people find important or entertaining, such as holidays or certain aspects of weather or how certain things work. It came as a great surprise to everyone when Ben stated that he didn't know what Christmas was, and it took a great deal of time to explain it to him.


That explanation went something like this: (you can skip the rest of this chapter if you want, the headcanons are done, this is just a fun little Drabble/one shot lmao)

"Wait wait wait wait, wait. Lemme get this straight." Ben stated, holding his index finger up to the rest of the group.

"So... Santa Claus is this old guy who wears all red who breaks into your house through your chimney so he can leave a bunch of stuff you asked for underneath a pine tree covered in lights and colored glass ball thingies, takes the cookies that you set out for him (for some reason,) and then just... leaves?"

"And rides a reindeer-driven sleigh." Jeff added, amused.

"Yeah, that's another thing - why would he park on the roof? Most houses have a perfectly good driveway or parking lot or front yard or something for you to place your vehicle! Why would he choose the roof? It's the middle of December, he could slip, fall, and break his neck! Then nobody gets presents!"

Ben continued rambling about the dangers of parking your sleigh on the roof of somebody's house for a good five minutes, causing some of the pastas to let out amused chuckles.

"Are you sure we really needed to explain the concept of Santa to him?" Clockwork whispered to Laughing Jack, who was seated right next to her on the couch. The clown shrugged, watching Ben pace back and forth in front of them as he continued his rant.

"I thought it would be funny." He said with a grin. Clockwork shrugged back.

"Well, you're not entirely wrong there." She said with a laugh.

"...And those are living creatures! Why the hell would you leave, what, seven or eight living, breathing reindeer on a roof in December? They're gonna freeze!" Ben said, exasperated. He let out a quick huff, placing his hands on his hips as he looked out at the other pastas.

"Why do holidays have to be so weird?" Ben said, shaking his head in confusion and disbelief.

"Dude, if you thought Santa was weird, wait till you hear about the Tooth Fairy." Jeff said, causing some the the pastas to laugh. Ben raised and eyebrow and stared down his best friend, extremely confused.

"The fucking what now?"

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