[ Liu ]

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» He enjoys collecting bones as a hobby. He has a wide variety of animal bones that he found in the woods, including an almost complete cat skeleton. He has one human bone in his collection - a skull - which Sully humorously named 'Skully.'

» Unlike his brother, Liu is not a serial killer. He's calls himself a 'Hunter,' a person who hunts down supernatural monsters (mainly ghosts in Liu's case) and kills them. Sully, on the other hand, is a serial killer. A very violent one, too.
(Props to those of you who know what show this is inspired by ;))

» Liu has suffered from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) since he was a small child. His parents didn't know what to make of it and thought he was possessed at first, so a large portion of his childhood was spent being sent off to varying priests and Christian Summer Camps in hopes of "cleansing" him. They tried this for 5 years before giving up and never acknowledging it again, even going so far as to berate him for switching into Sully, something Liu had no control over. It wasn't until after Jeff killed him and he was resurrected that he was able to look more into it and learn about his condition and learn more about Sully, his alter.

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