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(These were already included in my old book but I still like these so I'm putting them here too •̀•́)


« Cyber ghosts get overheated very easily. If it's hot out, they'll spend as much time inside as possible.

« Kagekao enjoys climbing trees in both the Under and Over Realm and likes spying on people from up there.

« Ben has a secret Tik Tok account. He used to use it for just liking and commenting on cosplays and memes, but he soon began making aesthetic-like videos and he even makes memes to vent about his problems. He has roughly about 5k followers.

« Jeff is actually questioning his sexuality. He refuses to admit it to anyone, including himself, but he knows he isn't straight. He doesn't know if he's bi or pan or simply just a little bicurious but either way, he isn't planning on telling anyone, including the people he's closest to.

« Jason calls everyone "doll" or "darling."

« EJ keeps all the organs he harvests from hunts in jars in the fridge. Before netting Jeff, however, he would just put them in the fridge (usually on a plate or some other random dish) uncovered, and it was really disgusting and unsanitary. Jeff taught him how to properly store them now continues to properly store them to this day.

« Lost Silver, Ben, and Herobrine have a YouTube channel that they all share where they play video games together. It's usually stuff like Online Cards Against Humanity or Minecraft, but occasionally they'll play a first-person shooter together for the sole purpose of fucking with the 12 year olds who play the game. Occasionally some of the other pastas will join them, such as Jeff and X-Virus for example.

« Jeff and Ben watch Supernatural together.

« Clockwork and Kate are obsessed with Danganronpa. They've already convinced Ben and Puppeteer to join the fandom with them and are now trying to get Jeff and Liu to join in on the insanity.

« Ben is practically a meme/vine dictionary. If you start to say anything that either is or once was part of a meme, he will quote the meme right then and there.

« Sally really enjoys watching the Sanders Sides and even dressed up as Virgil for Halloween one year.

« Laughing Jack is a contortionist, meaning he can bend his body into the most unnatural positions imaginable. He can re-create the fridge scene from It with startling accuracy.

« Every week or so, the pastas all have either a movie night or a game night where they all go over to one of their houses (usually either LJ and Jason's, EJ's or the House) and they either play some variation of games (board, video, party, etc.) or they watch a movie. Not everyone has to show up if they don't want to, but it's actually a really fun night and there's usually some form of alcohol involved to anyone who wants it.

« Ben glitches out when he sneezes.

« Liu regularly paints his nails. They're usually either red, black, or dark purple.

« X-Virus is a master at lock picking and can pick just about any lock in existence.

« Jason has enough worms on string to fill a walk-in closet with them. I kid you not, he actually has a closet in his workshop that's filled top to bottom with worms on string. It's actually very beautiful in there and occasionally him and LJ will go in there and just lay there talking about stuff.

« Jason will give said worms on string to some of the pastas on their birthday, taped inside of a little card.

« Kagekao collects stickers and enjoys sticking them to things he really likes, such as wine bottles and some of his friends. His favorite ones to collect are Hello Kitty, Lisa Frank, and any sort of glittery sticker.

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