[ Toby ]

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» He's a huge pyromaniac - he always carries a little box of matches or a lighter on him everywhere he goes.

» He's a HUGE Marvel movie fan, his favorite characters are Spider-Man and Iron Man. He also really likes Scarlet Witch and Black Panther

» As everyone knows, Toby has Tourette's Syndrome. A lot of his tics developed from being around others and from viewing pop culture and other media. Some of his (my headcanon) tics include the following;

• Humming
• "Underoos!"
• Swears
(mainly "bitch" and "shithead")
• Clicking his tongue
• "What the FUCK is up, Kyle?!"
• "I'm just a kid."
• "Mr. Stark!"
• "Big spoons."
• "TimTam"
(Developed this one shortly after meeting Tim)
• "Waffle."
(The whole 'Toby is obsessed with waffles' thing came from people making fun of this tic when he still attended school. Toby hates this tic)
• "Kill them."
• "Goonies never say die!"
• "Oh hi, Mark!"
• "Arson."
• "Violins are bad!"
• "Imagination."
(Says this in the tone of the Spongebob meme)
• "Wyborne, my boy!"
• "Bang bang, bitch!"
• "I am Groot."
• Whistling
• "Not the smolder!"
• "Edgy Edgelord."
(Developed this one after meeting Jeff)
• "Guns blazing, bang bang!"
• "Oops, I died."
• "Liar liar, pants on fire."
• "I'm a real boy!"
And several others

• Slapping his shoulder/chest
• Twitching his neck to the side
• The ASL (sign language) word for "idiot" (making a peace sign with your hand and holding the back of it to your forehead)
• Banging his knees together
• Clapping
• Blinking rapidly
• Middle finger
• Fingerspelling his first name in ASL
• Slamming his knuckles into his chin
• Thumbs up
• Finger guns
(Usually combines with the "bang bang" tics)
• Stomping
• Slapping his cheek
• Pointing at people
(Also usually combined with a vocal tic)
• Hitting his head with his wrist/palm

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