Reader (Umi)

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"My pov?" I hummed. "It's usually Y/N's pov- But hey I'm not complaining...Especially since this is my story."

I bit my lip and closed my journal as I sat back in my chair and looked up at the ceiling.

"I'll keep it real with you reader...My life isn't that interesting so I'm not sure why the author picked me but...It had to be for a reason right?"

I frowned slightly.

"If this story is from my pov and about me does that mean I won't be falling in love?" I sighed. "I was kind of excited to fall in love," I shrugged. "Well, at least I have a friend to come along with me right?" I rolled my eyes. "You won't reply I-I know...It's nice knowing someone is actually here though...Someone to listen to what I have to say," I clicked my tongue and swayed in my chair. "It's like an anonymous chat but one person isn't anonymous? Yeah, that's exactly what it is."

I stood up from my chair and walked over to my bed. "I'm probably talking a lot and just so you know I have a lot to say, dear...I don't have many friends so now that I know that there is someone list-reading I'm going to say a lot of stuff that I have on my chest."

I flopped onto my bed smiling softly as I closed my eyes.

"Since the world is in a picnic I don't leave the house anymore which makes me feel very lonely...Even though I don't like people- Other than you of course," My eyes shot open and I smiled softly looking around my empty room. "I mean...You're giving me more attention than anyone has in a long time. You've read this far which means you're interested in what I have to say and that makes me...Happy."

I sighed closing my eyes again.

"This little story has 2162 words exactly...Me talking and you reading," I swallowed thickly. "And then my story will end and I'll never...Hear? Yeah, hear from you again. You'll go on to read other stories and never think back on this boring one right?" I scoffed.

"I really don't even want to continue to talk...No need to get attached to someone who'll leave- Someone I'll never even talk to. Someone who's probably already stopped reading...Are you still here?"

I peeked an eye open before shutting it and shaking my head. "I don't know why I expected a reply-"

I jumped as my journal fell off my dresser.

Slowly sitting up I frowned. "W-Wait're really still here?"

My heart skipped a beat as I smiled softly.

"You haven't left? I'm not just talking to myself- Well I am but...You're here reading...Me essentially," I bit my lip looking down at my covers. "This is pathetic."

I groaned running my hands down my face.

"You know what? It's not," I nodded. "This is my chance to vent."

I laid back onto my back.

"You know to you I've only existed for 674 words but...When characters, i.e. me, are written we are written with memories and a life. I have memories of the time I learned how to ride a bike, how scared I was on my first day of school, embarrassing memories from five years ago that randomly pop into my head and make me hate myself...I'm human just like you."

I nodded.

"I don't really enjoy my life...Maybe because the stuff that isn't written here is stuff that just happened randomly in my life. Stuff that happened to make me the perfect character for you to read about now. If I had friends maybe I'd be out at parties with them catching covid but, instead I'm here home alone on a Saturday night...But I guess I'm not alone right? Not while your here."

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