Some type of love (Normani)

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"Come on baby pleaseeee." Normani pouted causing me to groan.

"I don't want to go."

"You never go to parties with me."

Because my dad would beat my ass...literally.

I sat up and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Princess-"


I chuckled. "What?"

"Whenever you princess me you say some cute shit that makes me want to listen to you."

"Dammit, now I have to find a new method."

She smiled and pecked my lips before resting her forehead against mines. "Come on."

I sighed. "The party is tomorrow night right?" She nodded. "I'll let you know tomorrow then."

She tilted her head. "Promise?"


She shook her head. "Nah nah nah, I don't want my girlfriend promising," she held her pinky out. "I need my best friend to promise."

I chuckled and wrapped my pinky around hers. "The fact that we have two different types of promises."

She bit her lip. "Just means we have a different type of love."

I raised a brow as my heart warmed. "What type?"

She shrugged. "Some type of love."

I chuckled as we both kissed our thumbs and pressed them against each other's before I pecked her forehead. "I promise I'll let you know tomorrow."

She smiled brightly. "Good, now that that's out of the way," she ran her hand down my chest and over the necklace she got me for our five year best friend anniversary. "What do you want to do since my parents are out of town?"

And here's where the trouble in paradise starts.

"How about I make you something to eat?"

"I was thinking about something we could do in bed." She shrugged biting her lip.

I gulped and looked down, Normani doesn't know about my dad which means that if I take off my clothes she'll start asking questions about all of my bruises and I literally can't lie to her whether I'm trying or not.

"I could take care of you?"

She slouched. "Baby it's been a month since we had sex and I'm getting tired of head."

"I'm sorry I just...haven't been in the mood?"

She climbed off of me and nodded. "Yeah, I get it."


She chuckled and pulled out her phone. "Baby stop, it's cool okay?"

I sighed and leaned back watching her. She laughed at something on her phone and I smiled softly as she looked up at me.


"Your fucking gorgeous dude, melanin queen."

She flicked her hair over her shoulder. "Stop flattering me."

"I'm not flattering you, I'm fucking worshiping."

"Oh like I'm a God?"

I hummed. "More like a cult leader."

She gasped. "Is this a cult where I have like a thousand husbands and wife's?"

I scoffed. "Hell no look at me, I'm both your wife and husband."

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