Hate the club (Kehlani)

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A request from @trillkid based on Kehlani's song 'Hate the club'.


Kehlani's POV

"I don't know how I let y'all drag me to this club AGAIN." I rolled my eyes as my friends continued pulling me through the crowd of people.

Kelly looked back at me and scoffed. "Bitch we didn't drag you out, you came because you know Y/n comes here every Saturday."

My heart sped up at her name as we made it to the bar. "What? I haven't talked to her for about a week."

We sat at the bar and my other friend, Ladi, raised her brow looking at me. "Yeah but, you two have been talking for years, what's a week going to change?"

"And, y'all do this every month." Kelly cut in.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Fuck and then stop talking for about a week because both of you are afraid of commitment." Ladi smiled as Oscar walked up to us.

"The usual?"

Kelly nodded. "Yup."

He nodded. "I'll send it up."

Ladi shook her head. "Nah, we'll wait."

He nodded and started away. "Even better."

I sighed and sat on the stool knowing it'd take a while for him to make our three shots.

"And don't be all anti-social today, you a celebrity Lani." Kelly leaned into me and I pushed her away chuckling.

"Yeah yeah I got you."

I looked around for...just to look around not for a person. I looked up at the balcony that we were heading to once our drinks were made.

I watched all the people talking and dancing. Trailing my eyes over the people I sighed and tuned into the conversation Kelly and Ladi were having.

"Right?" They both looked at me and I raised a brow.

I quickly nodded. "Yup."

Kelly laughed and shook her head. "Told you she wasn't listening."

"And I see why." I looked at Ladi who waved at somebody on the second floor.

I snapped my head in the direction she was looking in. My heart skipped a beat and I gulped as I met her eyes.

She smiled softly and raised her drink before winking.

"Man, I see why you fell in love with her."

I continued to hold eye contact with her and nodded. "Yeah."

Looking into her eyes always made the memories resurface...Damn.

2 years ago

I walked into the club and sighed.
I hate the club...The shit I do for friends.

"Ohhh shit! And there go my girl Kehlani walking in, outshining all you bitches!" Tido yelled into the mike causing me to laugh and shake my head. A bunch of people greeted me as I walked past causing me to wave. "I told y'all she was my friend!"

I blew him a kiss and the crowd cheered as he whooped into the mike.

"Let's see how many numbers I get tonight," he chuckled. "Ight back to the music playing...Kehlani's CRZY!"

The song started to play as I made it to the bar.

"What can I get you miss Lani?"

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