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Fuck this.

I wiped my cheek as I sat on the bench and tightened my jacket.

"Fuck her."

"Woah what'd she do?" I heard from behind me. Quickly turning around I frowned at a girl who tried to contain her hair from the wild wind. "Oh shit your crying."

I scoffed and turned back around. "Wow really?"

I heard her walk closer and then sit next to me chuckling. "Gee sorry."

I sighed. "Don't apologize."

She nodded. "Wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head. "I don't even know you why would I want to talk to you?"

She shrugged running her hands through her hair. "Talking to a stranger can be therapeutic but since mommy taught you stranger danger." I chuckled as she continued. "I'm Vanessa and you are?"

"A stranger," I turned and met her eyes. "But since your so nosey I guess I'll tell you that my name is Y/n."

"Sorry didn't hear you, did you say your name is dick because if so it really suits your personality." I rolled my eyes as she chuckled. "I'm joking lighten up."

"Easier said than done." She nodded running her hands through her hair once again making me groan. "Your hairs being a dick take my beanie."

I took off my beanie and handed it to her making her smile slightly. "Wow giving your beanie to a stranger, you must trust me."

I shook my head. "Shut up."

"You can shut me up by telling me what's wrong."

I glanced at the girl who was staring up at me. "It's a long story."

"Well it's only three a.m, I have all the time in the world."

"Not sure if that was sarcasm or not."

"Hmm, you'll figure it out."

I smiled softly and huffed fully looking at her. "Fine but if you get pneumonia don't blame me."

"I won't only because I'm sure if I get it you will too."

"Yeah yeah," I shrugged. "Um let's see, my girlfriend dumped me."

She gasped and clapped while wiping away a fake tear. "Such a long, sad, inspiring story, Y/n that story is long enough to have four seasons and a movie-"

"Oh shut up I didn't even start my story."

She raised a brow. "Oh excuse me continue."

I shook my head and turned towards her. "Alright let's see, I met this girl named Hailey when I was like sixteen and it was love at first sight you know. We instantly started to date and everything was great for a couple of years until she met this guy..."

"Hey baby." Hailey pecked my lips as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hi beautiful," I bit my lip as I put the last pancake onto the plate. "How'd you sleep."

"Fine, it would've been better if you were with me."

I pouted and turned around. "I know," wrapping my arms around her waist she raised a brow. "I was busy as fuck though I still haven't slept."

"So why the hell aren't you sleeping now?"

I scoffed. "What would I look like not cooking my love breakfast-"

"Awww." Vanessa cooed causing me to roll my eyes.

"Shut up."


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