Smile Prequel (Jasmine aka Ysabelle capitule)

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Quincy and I walked down the stairs of the school as we laughed.

"Man, you didn't have to throw the ball that hard."

I shook my head and chuckled. "I only threw it that hard because it's called DODGE ball, if the bitch didn't want to get hit she should've dodged it."

Quincy shook his head. "That's like saying, we'll bitch it's a gun you should've dodged that bullet."

I smacked my lips. "Not at all the sam-oof."

I reached out and grabbed the person I just bumped into as I caught my balance. Looking up I gulped as I noticed a beautiful specimen.

A specimen that I've seen around before.

A specimen that always has a resting bitch face.

Basically what I'm saying is I might get slapped.

"I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going."

She stepped away and rolled her eyes. "Yeah you weren't."


Quincy chuckled and threw his arm over my shoulder. "Yeah, clumsy Y/n um, your Jasmine right?"

Jasmine slowly looked away from me and at Quincy. "Yeah and your Quincy," she looked back at me. "And your his sidekick the immature goofball Y/n."


I looked at Quincy as he smiled at me. "Don't fucking look at me like that I'm not your fucking-"

"Shhhh." He pressed his finger against my lips and I quickly smacked it away.

"Fucking stop touching my lips dude," I wiped my mouth and looked at Jasmine. "Once again, I'm sorry."

She crossed her arms and stared me down.

I raised a brow. "Its common courtesy to say 'it's okay' after someone apologizes."

She scoffed. "It's common courtesy to watch where your walking in a crowded place:"

Feisty, that shits sexy.

I raised a brow. "Well, if we bumped into each other then technically you weren't watching either...Right?"

She slowly nodded. "Touché."

I bit my lip as Quincy raised his hand and I gave him a high five.

Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Well excuse me."

I gasped. "She does have manners."

She gasped. "You can speak for yourself, considering your the side-"

"Yeah I got it." I smiled at her and she glanced down at my mouth as her face softened.

Ohhh she wanna fuck.

"Well I'll give that to you."

I raised a brow. "What's that?"

"You have a pretty nice smile."


"Didn't know you could be nice."

She tilted her head. "Common courtesy to say thank you after someone compliments you."

I nodded. "Thank you Jasmine," I leaned down. "See how easy that was?"

She shook her head and pushed me back. "Too close."

"Too far?" I raised a brow. "Is that what you said because I can come closer if you want."

Quincy gaged. "Chill, she has a boyfriend."

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