The Office (Gal Gadot)

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Disclaimer, if you have never watched The Office then this might be confusing to you.

Thursday, March 17th, 2005

"Y/n your quarterlies are looking very good," Michael started. "How are things looking with the library?"

Y/n shook her head. "Oh, I told you I couldn't close it so..."

"So you've come to your master for guidance?" Michael squinted slightly. "Is this what you're saying, Grasshopper?"

Y/n chuckled awkwardly. "Uh, actually you called me in here. But, yeah."

Michael smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Alright well let me show you how it's done."

Michael picked up the phone. "Hi this is Michael Scott, I am the regional manager of Dunder Mifflin paper products," he exhaled. "Just wanted to talk to you manager a manager."

The camera cuts to the workspace and then bounces back to Michael and Y/n sitting in the office.

"All right, deal!" Michael then speaks in an Irish accent. "Thank you very much, sir! You're a gentleman and a scholar," Michael pauses. "Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, I'm sorry. My mistake," he cleared his throat and smiled as he hung up. "That was a woman I was talking to so...She had a very low voice...Probably a smoker."

The camera cuts to Michael walking around the office.

"Ah! This is our receptionist Gal," he turned and hit the desk as Gal gave the camera a fake smile. "Gal! Gal Gal!" Michael yelled as he hit the desk. "Gal Gadot, um Gal has been with us um...for...forever. Right, Gal?"

"Uh well, I don't kno-"

"If you think she's cute now you should've seen her a few years ago."

Gal frowned and glared up at Michael. "What?"

"Reow, reow," Michael chuckled and shook his head. "Uh, any messages?"

"Yeah, you have a fax." Gal grabbed the fax and handed it to Michael.

"Oh, this is from corporate."

"I know-"

Michael looked at her. "How many times have I told you that there's a special filing cabinet for things from corporate?"

"You haven't-"

"It's called the waste paper basket." Michael balls up the paper and throws it into the trash bin.

Michael laughs obnoxiously and the camera cuts to Y/n and Dwight sitting at their desk.

Dwight unlocks a drawer and pulls a phone cord out of his desk. "Shall I play for you pa rum pa pum pum." He sings and then imitates a drum.

The camera zooms in on Y/n staring at Dwight with an annoyed face as Dwight continues to sing.

"I have no gifts for you pa rum pa pum pum."

Dwight imitates drums again and Y/n slowly looks at the camera as it cuts to her now sitting in the interview room.

"My job is to speak to clients, um, on the phone, about," she shrugs as her eyes widened slightly. "Uh, quantities, and, uh, type of...copier paper," she glanced to the side and waved her hand. "You know, whether we can supply it to them, whether they can, uh," she rests her head on her fingertips. "Pay for it. And uh," she clicks her tongue and chuckles. "I'm boring myself just talking about this."

The camera cuts back to Y/n and Dwight at their desk as Michael comes out of his office and stops behind Y/n.

"Wassuuup?!" He yells.

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