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So that was the game she wanted to play. That evil manipulative ugly little never. After everything I had done for her, with her, she had the nerve to kick me out of the car. It sped off at a fast pace leaving me both metaphorically and physically in the dust. It got in my hair and all over my dress. Did it make her feel good to know what she had done? That she had taken EVERYTHING I had ever wanted? Of course it did. Because she was evil. And I thought otherwise.

I raised my head up higher than before dusting off my arms. I did not let anyone see my eyes welling up nor the scratches on the tops of my elbows. I was supposed to be a princess and princesses always find a way.

I am Sophie of Gavaldon, and she never backs down, not until her perfect backside is plopped onto the royal throne next to her one true love and is declared Queen of Illea!

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. No one can see your weakness. Don't let them see you cry, show them your strongest side.

One way or another, I would get to that palace.

The market had mostly cleared, free from protesters. It seemed normal, only, was it? Normal was  walking with Ag- her! -  and talking about the future. Normal was walking by the houses of my future subjects and the old hag in the square screeching nonsense at the top of her lungs.

All of a sudden, a wrinkled old hand grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me towards on of the alleys. Heart pounding, I wondered Is this how it ends? Alone and forgotten. In front of me was a cloaked assailant pushing me to the wall smelling of wee.

"Get off me. Please. I'll do whatever you want," getting to my knees lulling them into a false sense of security, "Just let me leave this place."

"Rise, child. It doesn't do you well to be on your knees into a place such as this." Slowly, my attacker pulled back her hood revealing a face, beauty able to rival even that of my mother's. Now that I could see her properly, I could see that she was tall and slim, with a full bosom and waist length hair. Her chestnut brown hair only added to the striking nature of her forest green eyes. With thick eyebrows and full pink lips, she looked almost like a real fairytale princess; she was all I had ever wanted to be. "And besides, it's less about what you can do for me, than what I can do for you."

I was mesmerized. Good things always happen to those who need it, especially princesses. Our kind had to stick together.

"You wish to get to the palace?" she asked, though it seemed more like she was stating a fact.

"H-How did you know?"

"I can hear wishes, my darling."

"Are you my fairy godmother?" I always thought fairy godmothers were fat women who had nothing better to do than bibbity bobbity boo a servant to a castle- i didn't trust them one bit - but this lady in front of me, she was different. Her style, her posture, all reeked of elegance.

"No child. I am but a mere lady of Illea. My wish is for you to get to the prince, and I think I have the right thing for you."

Out of her pocket, she pulled a black vial filled with some sort of liquid- a potion?

"Oh no, I can't take that. Magic is banned in Illea without permission from the king."

"I see. Well, that's fine. It's not your fault if you're not willing to do anything for your future, but I guess some girls aren't quite ready for that yet. I wish you the best of luck." With that, she turned and walked off back to the market.

Not ready? I would do anything for my prince.

"Wait, please." I shout. "Please give it to me."

"I thought you were the right girl."

Once more she slipped the vial out of her pocket and into mine. I felt the weight of it immediately. I looked up again to thank her but the lady had already walked off towards a young man, hair as white as snow. Then they were gone.

I walked along country lanes, down rocky paths and downstream till I reached the secluded place she and I used to hang out all the while patting my pocket to check if the potion was still there. It was.

I looked at it once i had taken it out of my pocket. I didn't even know what it did. What if it caused me to break out in a rash? Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Maybe i should just forget about the potion.

Or maybe I should save my prince from the wicked witch.

Without a second thought I tipped back my head and swallowed it all like a shot. It burned my throat. Everything felt like it was on fire. I was keenly aware of every movement I made, hypersensitive to the world around me as I tried to digest the drink. The pain came on suddenly, spreading through my body along each body part. First my feet; they felt like they were too big for my shoes, then my legs and thighs burned. I could hardly catch my breath and so didn't notice when it finally spread from across my chest to my arms.

I had doubled over in pain. Until finally it was all over.

The edges of the lake shimmered in the late afternoon glow. As I approached, one step after another, I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection. But the person staring back at me was not me or at least the me i know. Peering back at me was... a boy? We shared the same eyes and soft hair though his was decidedly a lot shorter than mine. We moved in synchronicity.

I dragged my hands over my body and sure enough my soft skin had gotten less so. Where there were one soft curves were now hard edges. Bits that were supposed to stick in stuck out and bits that were supposed to stick out stuck in.

This. Could. Not. Be. Happening.

That witch had turned me into a boy. A boy! I was a... boy.

If I was a boy, I could be a part of the draft.

I could volunteer.

I could get inside the palace.

As a guard.

A lowly silent guard who wouldn't be seen by the prince.

And it wasn't like the prince would be eyeing up the new recruits anytime soon.

I would spend the rest of my life in this boorish body!

I would never marry Tedros.

I would never become queen.

I sat at the edge of the lake and wept. Wept for the loss of my beauty, my happily ever after. I wish I could still have my lovely long hair, my pretty face and clean pink dresses and glass slippers. If only I-

My tears dried up and I stopped crying. I looked back at my reflection and I was me again!

So that's how this works. Just wish for what you want to be.

I took in a deep breath. I though back to the image of me as a boy, how surprising it was at first but the obvious signs that it was still me.

And there he was looking back at me.

I had a way in.

I was going to the palace.

Who else is super excited for the SGE movie!

If you haven't seen the cast yet do because its amazing.

I really want to see Hort's pajamas make an appearance; frogs and all.

Hope you enjoyed the update :)


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