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My dear. How pathetic. Did he really think he could make a mockery of me? Was he too thick to see what this opportunity would mean to someone like me? It was a chance; hope was not so easily found where I came from. Or maybe that was just it - he didn't understand. Too stuck up and shallow and lodged so far up his own ass to see the state of the country around him.

Or was he too blinded by who he thought I was to let me stay?

How dispicable.

Would he rather me suck up to him  like I assume everyone he has ever met has done? Let him walk all over me?

I would rather play happy families or whatever this screwed up version would be than lay at his feet and let him look at me the way he does.

I wasn't just his subject that he could pretend didn't exist from the luxury of his palace.

And I was most certainly not his dear.


I followed the guard's instruction to the letter, travelling through winding corridors and grand room before I found mine tucked around a corner in a little hallway, removed from the rest of the rest of the rooms. It was like my own private spot - just like Graves Hill.

I opened the door and was met with the sight of three girls; one drawing in a corner, the others cleaning an already spotless room. They must be the maids, I thought. They looked up at my sudden intrusion. The one in the corner stood up and they all curtsied in unison. The girl - for she looked around my age - with a red streak in her hair wore a uniform different to the other two. She looked me up and down scrutinizingly. 

"Lady Agatha?" she asked.

"Yes?" I eventually met her eyes. Black. She looked at me with a puzzled expression, as though she couldn't place where she had - if ever - seen me before.

"My name is Hester, i'm the head maid. This is Anadil," she gestured towards the girl who had previously been sitting down, "and Dot," pointing towards the other maid. Hester radiated confidence, it felt as though she was in charge and I was cowering before her.

"Well aren't you a breath of fresh air," I turned my attention towards Dot, the maid at the back. "You're not at all what we were expecting. Thought you were going to be like the rest of them, m'lady. Not that that's a bad thing, I bet they're all... nice. But we're glad you're here, aren't we."

"Not now Dot," Anadil rasped without breaking her gaze that was firmly on me, "Lady Agatha clearly doesn't want to hear your ramblings." I was suddenly hyper-aware of the way I looked. Was I looking at them funnily? Did they think I was looking down on them? I hadn't meant to. Should I smile at them? No, that would look condescending, they didn't seem like the type of people to appreciate empty gestures.

"Wait- no, I..." I was mixing up all my words. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Agatha and i'm from Gavaldon. I like to draw and I hope we can be friends?" This was starting to sound like an introduction at an AA meeting.

Hester snorted at my attempt. "Well it's nice to meet you too, Agatha from Gavaldon." She turned to look at Anadil and they shared a look before returning her gaze to me. "Though, you may fit in better than we thought."

All of this talk was making me anxious. I had no clue what to say! I didn't make friends, that was the way it was. Maybe that's why I was in the situation I was, because I couldn't talk to people. In the past 24 hours I had lost my mum and my cat, i had lost my friend and my home and the prince's trust for whatever stupid puffed-up reason his donkey brain had pulled out of it's arse.

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