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Before I start, I'd just like to say a big thank you to those who have been reading my story. I love reading your comments and it makes me glad that you like it. I hope this chapter is no different. Its a bit different from normal because I haven't told you who exactly it is but see if you can guess!

The first bag from Gavaldon had arrived early that morning. The King had ordered me to sort through the multiple bags of each province and present to him a selection of 5 girls from each for him to choose from. He was looking for certain qualities in each of them, mainly shallow and useless ones. Which girl is the prettiest, he would ask or, who has the most influence?

It was sickening.

The tyranny of the king had gone on for too long playing games with his subjects lives. It was as if the whole world was a chess board and he was the king, prepared to sacrifice any other players to be the last one standing. Even willing to sacrifice his queen: the most powerful piece.

Queen Guinivere had been a 4, a pretty face plucked from the masses. She was from a lower caste. She was inspirational - many people looked up to her. And then she ran away. Away from his cruelty and manipulation with Lance leaving him with the heir he wanted.

This time the kind didn't want any girls from the lower castes but we had to remind him that the selection was supposed to be a lottery and no one would believe if only twos or threes were picked.

Fives were his limit, little decoys ready to be thrown away on the first night like the pawn sacrificed to save a knight.

As I combed through the many entries it was clear the king wouldn't be pleased.

The girls from Gavaldon wouldn't be acceptable to him.

Leia of Gavaldon. Ever but entitled as she was a two. Good connections with Swendway.

Sophie of Gavaldon. Definitely a never. No nevers were allowed in the palace except for staff.

Camber of Gavaldon. An ever. She seemed like a hard worker - she was a four - and she was very beautiful. She almost looked like Guinivere. Definite no.

Agatha of Gavaldon. Just reading the name gave me a feeling. Agatha means soul of good, but more than that, she felt like a true ever. The rest of her application was normal. She was a five and could speak troll but she could hear wishes. That could mean only one thing. She was pure. Her picture wasn't anything to look at but it was passable.

Although, Agatha's low caste could be seen as inspirational, and give nevers someone to look up to. This girl could be used during her time in the selection and that made her more desirable to the king than any two.

She seemed like a never, and what better way to reform nevers than by having someone they look up to partake in the selection.

The king believed nevers should be reformed. They should work in the palace serving their king until they were grateful for him. Like stuffing himself down their throats would make it any better. It was an excuse to get cheap free labor. No one stands up for nevers, and when they step up for themselves, well, they get called rebels. They are villainised diverting attention from the real villain: Arthur.

And trust me I know. Despite him once being a good soul, his acts made him more and more evil until there was no line left. He would look down on me and label me a never. Someone to fear.

Be feared or fear.

And nevers frightened him the most; always determined to achieve their goals no matter the cost. Because all it takes to take down a king, is a pawn.

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