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I paced my room. Every few seconds I was tugging on my tie or smoothing my hair. I was a bundle of nerves. How pathetic. All it was was a stupid birthday ball that I had to go through every year to satisfy both my father and the public. I would dance a few dances and chat to a few guests while my father put on a good show for the whole world to see.

I hated it so much. Since she left I had to take more responsibilities, do more - its as if I didn't do anything before. But everything changed back then. Father... changed. Not that anyone outside the palace sees it of course. Just me.

There came a large rap at the door, someone wanted to come in. There was only one person who would knock on my door and barge in without answer.

"Tedros, happy birthday," my father said to me. It was said without emotion. We went through the same script every year - heck, it was the same gift every year.

"Thank you, father. I will be down shortly."

"No, you are needed now. It is your birthday, son. They are your guests who you do not want to disappoint. You are the prince of Illea and its high time you start acting like it."

It was the same every year. First, he would start off by calling me 'son', talking as if there were any sort of bond between us at all. Next, he would make out that I wanted the ball to happen, though I ask for a private party each year. They were not my guests! I didn't know these foreign dignitaries or rulers. Finally, he would guilt me into wanting the same thing he did; for me to be a prince.

I try. I give ideas but they get rejected. I speak out but get told to stay silent, then get asked why I never contribute.

I can never win.

And I gave up wanting to a long time ago.

So yes, I do reports and sit in on budget meetings and kiss every princesses' hand that I meet because that is what i'm supposed to do. But I can't be King. I don't know how.

Father knows it.

It's just a matter of time before everyone else does too.

"Stop daydreaming and get down there."

"Yes father."

"You will not waste time dancing unless required to do so."

"No father."

"Talk to the guests."

"Yes father."

"And Tedros-"


"Have fun."

He patted my shoulder ,swiftly turned on his heel and left.


I was laughing at some joke the king of Swendway had said in a language i didn't fully understand. This is how it had been for a while. I had kissed a few hands and accepted lots of gifts which I didn't really need. I had even debated taking a break by finding a dark corner of the room only when I looked around, Father was looking right at me.

"Here he is, the lucky guy."

I turned around, happy for the distraction but also  glad Hort had made it.

"Very funny."

"Hey, it's not every day that 35 beautiful women decide they want to date you, believe me."

"Haven't you seen those gossip sites? They're packed with thousands of people who know specifically what either they want to do to you or what they want you to do to them," I half-joked. I had gotten bored one afternoon and read some things about my best friend that I wish I could erase from my memory.

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